
Trump to Supporters: Dont Watch Hillarys DNC Speech

USA presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will tell the Democratic National Convention on Thursday that Americans face challenges at home and overseas that require steady leadership in the White House.


In the biggest moment of her almost 25-year political career, aides say Clinton will lay out a positive vision for the future and detail her proposals to improve the economy, boost security and unite a divided nation.

Sanders outlined how his campaign helped pushed the Democratic Party to the left. President Barack Obama delivered the final address.

“I got to give him a hug”, she said with tears in her eyes.

He told Fox News Channel in an interview that “I guess I take it a little bit personally, but you can’t let it get you down”.

However, the schedule has been flexible and President Obama, for example, didn’t start his Wednesday night speech until about 11 p.m. But I was also thrilled (naively) that Obama seemed to get his money from small donors, and that he might break Wall Street’s stranglehold on the Democrats.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who tried to pitch himself to young, liberal voters during his own run for the Democratic presidential nomination, also spoke. Some have said Kaine isn’t progressive enough.

The convention will be called to order at 4:30 pm.

Retired Marine General John R. Allen, who has endorsed Clinton, will be joined on stage Thursday night by a group of veterans to focus on Clinton’s national security credentials.

Julian Ivey, a 20-year-old Sanders delegate from Prince George’s County, said many delegates “want her to say that she’s going to stand by the promises that she’s made this election cycle”.

More than 100 Sanders supporters staged a convention walkout on Tuesday after his unifying gesture to make Clinton’s nomination unanimous, and they later used a sit-in to shut down a media tent outside the Wells Fargo Arena.

Democratic delegates began the convention here divided over several economic issues, including banking regulations, trade and the $15-an-hour minimum wage.

Clinton appeared onstage to greet Obama with a long embrace.

If Clinton hits the right notes Thursday, Jealous said, he believes many will do just that.


The Democratic gathering began on a note of discord on Monday, with backers of Bernie Sanders, the USA senator from Vermont who lost the nomination to Clinton, noisily booing the very mention of her name. One “Berner” said she’ll vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein in November. She said she was upset by party rules that allow for unpledged superdelegates who aren’t tied to the results from state primary elections.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine D-Va. waves after speaking to delegates during the third day session of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Wednesday