
Conservative ‘American Sniper’ Fans Attack Bradley Cooper for Attending DNC

Some people haven’t been happy with Bradley Cooper ever since the “American Sniper” star attended the Democratic National Convention.


This may come as a shock to some people, but Bradley Cooper-the Oscar-nominated actor from Philadelphia-was never a U.S. Navy SEAL sniper in the Iraq War.

Politician does anything. Bradley Cooper reaction shot!.

Check out more tweets defending Cooper’s decision to attend the DNC.

One Twitter user posted a screen shot of Cooper at the RNC, writing: “I have a list of celebrities that support Socialism I refuse to spend another $ on”.

Cooper’s attendance with his model girlfriend, Irina Shayk, however, was not as well-received by a contingent of conservative Twitter users seemingly unable to discern the difference between real life and Hollywood films.

What is apparently mystifying for a few Cooper admirers, as evidenced by the social media missives above, is the fact that the 41-year-old actor snagged the aforementioned Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of Navy SEAL sniper and American icon Chris Kyle in the 2014 blockbuster film American Sniper.

The American Hustle actor is a strong Clinton supporter.

“We all just saw Bradley Cooper, who played Chris Kyle … at the Democratic National Convention”.


Cooper, however, has always been a Democratic supporter, having made a donation to Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, and again in 2008 for her presidential campaign, the Daily Beast points out.

Bradley Cooper's DNC appearance irks conservatives