
Trump says he would like to ‘hit’ DNC speakers who disparaged him

The Republican nominee didn’t name the speakers that displeased him so, but he did target one “very little guy”.


About a dozen protesters showed up outside the Adler Theatre, Davenport, Thursday afternoon, where Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was expected to speak in about two hours.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a news conference and a crowd of cheering and laughing supporters in Davenport, Iowa that, he wanted to “hit” several speakers from this week’s Democratic National Convention “so hard their heads would spin”. You know what, I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard.

The real estate mogul said this individual “came out of nowhere” and said had worked with Trump in the past. They made deals with me.

“Russia if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”. I’m gonna hit them so hard.’ I was gonna hit one guy in particular, a very little guy.

His campaign did not respond to a request asking to clarify who Trump was talking about.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) spoke Wednesday night at the convention to endorse Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and heap criticism on Trump, who he called a con man and hypocrite.

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“I feel it’s criminal that I as a woman should not have power over my own body”, Carnahan said. “I mean, should I go through some of the names?”

“He said, ‘Don’t hit there. It’s Hillary Rodham Clinton, ‘” Trump recalled, adding that he initially objected to the advice.


“I’m for him 100 percent”, Boden said. “I was going to say that, but now I won’t say it”. I don’t like what they’re saying because a lot of it is lies.

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