
Yooka-Laylee’s first demo now available to PC backers

Playtonic Games released its “Toybox” demo (PC/Mac/Linux via Steam) for Yooka-Laylee today, and if you backed the Kickstarter campaign at a high-enough tier to secure a code, you might as well stop reading now and get to playing.


“As promised in our campaign, the Toybox isn’t a traditional “demo”, but a self-contained, spoiler-free sandbox created to give Yooka-Laylee backers a taste of the platforming to come in the final game”, said developer Playtonic.

According to developer Playtonic, applicable backers will be able to try out moves and custom-built props, discover secrets and collectibles, and even interact with a “never-before-seen” non-player character.

If you are one of the lucky backers, you might want to check out Playtonic’s FAQ for further details and system specs.

The video is a complete play through showing him collect all 100 Quills, which is one of the main collectible items in the game.

Playtronic has confirmed a few hours that the Yooka-Laylee Toybox will become available for eligible backers later today. In the full version of Yooka-Laylee, the environments will be more vast and detailed than the “intentionally-simple playground” found in Toybox.

Yooka-Laylee was originally scheduled for a 2016 release, but the team eventually confirmed that their platforming game is only going to be released in the first quarter of next year, with the additional months allowing them to further polish the game.


Take a look at Yooka-Laylee, often considered to be a spiritual successor to the just as brightly colored Banjo-Kazooie franchise, in the screens below.
