
Democrats Hastily Nominate Tim Kaine For VP To Avoid Boos

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, will speak at the Democratic convention on Thursday. From the fresh face with a peculiar name to the gray-haired veteran with perhaps the most famous name in the world.


Calling attention to Donald Trump’s fear-mongering, Obama said, “Ronald Reagan called America “a shining city on a hill”, Donald Trump calls it “a divided crime scene” that only he can fix”.

As of 1:00 a.m. EST, Trump did not weigh in on the president’s speech further, which is interesting because the candidate rarely misses an opportunity to paint Obama as an incompetent (and suspiciously pro-Muslim) buffoon.

“Our country does not feel “great already” to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair”, he said on Twitter.

The night’s underlying theme is security — national security, economic security and safety from gun crime.

Hunt called Kaine “the best candidate Hillary Clinton could have possibly chosen”.

“Today, Donald Trump today once again took Russia’s side”.

“The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity”, Obama said. Think about that for a moment.

“Americans have had enough of out-of-touch career politicians taking care of their own instead of the American people, but that is exactly what the Clinton-Kaine ticket and the Democrat Party represents”, he said. “Donald Trump can not become our commander-in-chief”.

“If she (Clinton) could have found a way to convince Bernie Sanders to be vice president, that would have potentially locked it up for her”, Brown said.

Soon after Panetta spoke, the Trump campaign released a statement criticizing the former defense secretary’s stance.

Kaine is the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, which has recently come under fire after an internal email leak appeared to reveal a concerted effort to assist Clinton’s primary campaign for the Democratic nomination. “That’s what Hillary Clinton understands – this fighter, this stateswoman, this mother and grandmother, this public servant, this patriot – that’s the America she’s fighting for”. Sure, we have real anxieties – about paying the bills, protecting our kids, caring for a sick parent.

According to a transcript from NPR, Obama said “that is not the America I know”, while Bustle’s transcription of Trump Jr.’s RNC speech included the phrase “that’s not the America I know”.


What may be Obama’s most significant contribution to his party is the enduring power of his political brand. “And I’ve said ever since – if I’m good at anything, it’s politics because I started at the local level, listening to people, learning about their lives and trying to get results”, he said. “What I loved about Bernie was not only that he was clearly saying, “I’m supporting Hillary Clinton”, but he was also saying, “Do not not vote”, because turnout is going to be the answer for our victory”.

Donald Trump Jr