
Trump Calls On Russia To ‘Find’ Hillary Clinton’s Missing E-Mails

Donald Trump said Thursday morning that he was only kidding when he appeared to encourage Russian intelligence agencies to find Hillary Clinton’s thousands of deleted emails.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.

“Trump’s appeal for a foreign government hostile to the United States to manipulate our electoral process is not an assault on Hillary Clinton, it is an assault on the Constitution”, Inboden said.

Just this week, President Obama issued a new directive to better coordinate the USA response to major cyber attacks. And he’s asked a foreign government – a murderous, repressive regime – to attack not just one of our citizens but the Democratic presidential candidate?

“We have people coming in this country with very evil intentions”, Trump said.

Trump, who has repeatedly said he would strive for better USA relations with Russian Federation if he won the presidency, also raised eyebrows by saying he would consider recognizing Ukraine’s Crimea as part of Russian Federation, which annexed the region in 2014.

A United States official said Thursday there was “little doubt” Russian Federation was behind the DNC hack, prompting some Democrats to allege that Moscow is trying to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

While Trump takes praise from Putin as an unalloyed compliment, he seems to have paid little attention to another alternative, that Russia’s president might prefer to have America led by an ill-informed buffoon who would sow dissension at home and undermine alliances overseas.

The Democratic Party chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned on Sunday after the leaked emails showed party leaders favouring Clinton over her rival, US Senator Bernie Sanders, for the presidential nomination. Now, Trump says he was being “sarcastic” about Russian Federation hacking Clinton’s email, according to The Hill.

“Today, Donald Trump once again took Russia’s side”, Panetta said.

Throughout a day of campaigning, Trump suggested the culprit could be China or even, as he said in Scranton, Pennsylvania, “a 400-pound person lying in bed”.

Trump has alarmed European allies and many USA national security experts with talk of forcing North Atlantic Treaty Organisation nations to pay more for the U.S. security umbrella.

“By the way, if they don’t pay, bye bye”, he said in Toledo, Ohio, on Wednesday night.

In Moscow on Wednesday, Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Russian Federation would never interfere in another country’s election.

Trump’s suggestion that he might abandon NATO’s pledge to automatically defend all member states is also likely to have gone down well in Moscow, where the Western military alliance is cast as an outdated Cold War relic.

Clinton, a Democrat who faces Trump in the November 8 U.S. presidential election, responded with a campaign statement saying he was posing a possible national security threat.

Trump never mentioned the Federal Bureau of Investigation in his comments.

In an interview with NBC News earlier this week, Obama said it was “possible” the hacking of the DNC server was orchestrated on behalf of Russian intelligence services to influence the United States election.

Among them were former NSA and CIA Director Michael Hayden, who served under President George W. Bush, who said, according to Bloomberg, “If he is talking about the State Department e-mails on her server, he is inviting a foreign intelligence service to steal sensitive American government information”. Crimea has always been part of Ukraine, but Russia annexed it in 2014 after pro-Russian separatists and special forces took over the region.


It’s not clear which is worse -Trump or the Republicans still excusing him. “I’m pretty sure that any US government will pay full respect to those decisions”, he told reporters.

Donald Trump Delivers Slew Of False Information Onstage Asks For Russia Hackers