
Senator Kaine Officially Accepts Democratic Nomination for Vice President

“She closed her book, looked down, and started walking toward me”, Clinton said. “She’s not one of us, the 99 per cent”. There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to all she’s done. I’m not suggesting that somewhere in the midst of those vitally important progressive policy points that Clinton re-enact his old 90’s-era Monica Lewinsky apology, or even speak about his scandalous past at length.


Nahanni Fontaine, NDP MLA for St. Johns, said she agrees that the win is something to be celebrated, but she disagrees with Bergen regarding over how central a roll gender continues to play in politics. The narrative of women in leadership roles as “bossy or too aggressive” seems to be waning, she says, but more needs to be done to recognize and respect the voices of female politicians. Only the Clintons can excite and then exasperate their fellow Democrats with such dizzying predictability. Bill said in reality she’s the three-dimensional real deal who’s not afraid to take on real problems and has done so successfully the entire time he’s known her.

The New York Times featured Clinton’s supporters.

To be sure, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has been aggressively reaching out to the same working-class voters that gravitated to her husband, including pledging to make the biggest investment in infrastructure jobs since Dwight Eisenhower. “As he said, people in Arkansas didn’t know that she was the reason that they were benefiting from so many of these different programs”. That credibility gap is the one thing that might stop Americans from electing a second President Clinton. Reportedly earning an initial annual salary of $600,000, she contributed to the now-defunct Rock Center with Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News. Some of it was her own disposition, but it was also in large part because of him that she became encrusted with reflexive defensiveness, making her year by year more secretive and less than transparent in her dealings with the news media and the public.

“She’s been there for us, even if we haven’t always noticed”, he said.

The proposal her group developed ultimately stalled.

Another humanizing moment in the speech was when Bill recalled he and Hillary moving Chelsea into her college dorm room. Sanders made reinstating Glass-Stegall, a Depression-era banking law repealed under Bill Clinton’s administration, a central attack line of his campaign.

He methodically and glowingly walked through her political resume.

Mrs. Clinton has been in public service for more than a quarter century, everybody knows her, and yet more than half of Americans don’t like her, polling says. Mann said he thought highly of the 42nd president despite the trade agreements that he also now says have hurt his industry. This is the core of what her grandmother encouraged her to do: “embrace her inheritance”.

“It’s also my hope that this is not just symbolic”, she said.

The GOP’s reflexive response to this speech, and certainly Donald Trump’s reflexive response, will be to train all their sights on her, relitigate some imagined or overblown controversy, hoping to ensure that a more favorable impression of Hillary doesn’t harden.

Mrs. Clinton has struggled to lock up support among some younger women and middle-aged white women. “This was a night a long time coming for the former moot court partners, a night celebrating the promise that animates the Clinton partnership: She helped him”. Her son, Aidan, was born in June. While campaigning in Kentucky, though, she might have gotten carried away.

But now, after trying to straddle a delicate balance of her own path and yet still upholding her familial obligations, she has returned to the starring role of political daughter.


Among these were the stories told by a panel of mothers, all of whom had lost sons to gun violence, who said Clinton “will say our children’s names”. She was at the convention Wednesday night, as her father called her birth “the greatest moment of my life”.

Bill Clinton speaks at DNC