
POTUS: No one more qualified than Hillary Clinton for president

The comments came after Obama suggested that Russian Federation is likely responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee and releasing thousands of internal emails that have roiled the convention.


In Philadelphia, the Democrats’ heaviest hitters including Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Sen.

That effort was hammered home Wednesday by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who implored Americans to “elected a sane, competent person with sane, global experience”. He had a 2-point lead over Clinton in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday, the first time he has been ahead since early May.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Yes or no, is it possible that Donald Trump wins the presidency?

“There’s something else that my mother taught me: Public service is about service, and as her daughter I’ve had a special window in to how she serves”, Chelsea Clinton said. “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons!”

Hillary was the last speaker at a historic convention that saw a major American political party nominate a woman as their presidential candidate.

Trump is where he is because many voters perceive him as strong.

“I certainly know that with her as our commander-in-chief, our foreign relations will not be reduced to a business transaction, I also know that our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture”, said Allen. But her primary focus was persuading Americans to not be seduced by Trump’s vague promises to restore economic security and fend off threats from overseas.

Clinton also reached out to Republicans and to followers of primary rival Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist United States senator from Vermont.

Retired Marine General John R. Allen, who has endorsed Clinton, will be joined on stage Thursday night by a group of veterans to focus on Clinton’s national security credentials.

“A leader with real plans to break down barriers, blast through glass ceilings and widen the circle of opportunity to every single American -the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton”. The vice president sought to convince average Americans that Clinton understands their concerns.

Clinton embraced her reputation as a policy wonk, offering a litany of proposals for tuition-free college, infrastructure investment, immigration reform, gun control, affordable child care, paid family leave and more. Sullivan singled out what he said was Trump’s “strange” policy ideas, including encouraging countries such as North Korea and Japan to secure nuclear weapons, along with his questioning of commitments to USA allies.

She’s been there for us, even if we haven’t always noticed”, he said.

“I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place”. To her detractors, Hillary’s dishonesty has only been reinforced by the revelations over her use of a private email server in government.

It’s her surest way to win, given Obama’s healthy approval rating, now around 50%, and his enduring appeal to black women voters, a pillar of the Democratic Party that boasts a sky-high 74% participation rate, higher than any other racial or ethnic subgroup.

He went on to praise Clinton’s 2008 campaign, when she and Obama went head-to-head in the Democratic primaries.

“What I think is scary is a president who doesn’t know their stuff and doesn’t seem to have an interest in learning what they don’t know”, Obama said. President Bill Clinton watched from a seat on the convention floor, beaming with pride and repeatedly leaping to his feet. Fireworks exploded inside the arena and red, white and blue balloons plunged from the arena rafters.


Clinton declared that Trump has “taken the Republican Party a long way from morning in America to midnight in America”, rebutting his policies on immigration and Muslims in strong terms. “But as I’ve traveled this country, through all fifty states; as I’ve rejoiced with you and mourned with you, what I’ve also seen, more than anything, is what is right with America”. You fell for my brilliant wife and partner Michelle. who made me a better father and better man. who inspired the nation. and surprisingly hasn’t aged a day.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton waves after taking the stage during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Thursday