
Indonesia carries out midnight executions

Indian national Gurdip Singh, who was to be executed last night on drug charges in Indonesia, has not been put to death.


Four prisoners have been executed at Nusa Kambangan prison in Indonesia, while 10 have been spared the firing squad, in the first round of executions since two Australians were put to death past year.

Indonesia executed three Nigerians and an Indonesian, who had been convicted of drug trafficking, early Friday, a prosecutor said, despite an worldwide outcry, including from the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Four citizens from Indonesia and ten others from Nigeria, India, South Africa, Pakistan and Zimbabwe would be executed, said lawyers from the Jakarta-based Community Legal Aid Institute, who had visited some of the inmates in prison this week.

Indonesia on Thursday (Friday local time) executed three Nigerians and one local convicted of drug trafficking.

“The increasing use of the death penalty in Indonesia is terribly worrying and I urge the government to end this practice, which is unjust and incompatible with human rights”, Zeid said in a statement.

These included Pakistani Zulfiqar Ali, whom rights groups say was beaten into confessing to the crime of heroin possession, leading to his 2005 death sentence.

Local and worldwide human rights groups have urged Indonesian President Joko Widodo to halt the impending executions.

In a late night tweet Maryam said: “Despite bleak chance of success, PM NS [Nawaz Sharif] decided to make one more attempt to have Zulfiqar’s execution suspended & Alhamdolillah it happened”.

Amnesty International said the executions by the Indonesian authorities was a deplorable act that violated international and Indonesian law.

“The executions were done not to take their lives, but to stop their crimes”, Noor said.

The authorities stepped up preparations with ambulances carrying coffins seen crossing over to Nusakambangan island.

Those condemned to death were locked in solitary confinement for two days in the prison of Nusakambangan, Cilacap (Central Java) and by 31 July will be executed by firing squads.

Family members say they have been told the convicts in the forthcoming round will be executed Thursday night, according to a lawyer and diplomat, a day earlier than had originally been expected.

At the Saint Carolus Hospital funeral home in Jakarta where the body of the 42-year-old Osmane was taken, his younger brother Edu Osmane struggled to understand why 13 years in prison wasn’t sufficient punishment.

However the number of drug use cases actually increased after last years executions – up 4.2 million in June 2015 to 5.9 million in November 2015. However, implementation on execution had been halted for now.

Nasir resoluted that the death penalty did not violate global law; in Indonesia, capital punishment did not violate the right to life in the context of the 1945 Constitution.

If the latest executions proceed as planned, Widodo, who has been in office since October 2014, will have carried out the death penalty more times this century than any other Southeast Asian country and any other Indonesian leader, Amnesty International said.


However, he said it was unclear so far whether the Indonesian government had abolished or postponed the death sentence of Zulfiqar Ali.

Indonesia rebuffs UN, EU appeals to halt looming executions