
Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik says he’s voting for Donald Trump

Obama, who now lives in Kenya but is registered to vote in Maryland, says he will return to the US this fall to vote in the presidential election, The Post reports.


“Clinton is not honest because she says that she did not reveal any classified information, and she did”.

“I still feel that getting rid of Gaddafi didn’t make things any better in Libya”, he said.

Obama also criticized Trump over his proposed restrictions on Muslims’ travel.

Mr Obama plans to return to the United States to vote for Mr Trump in November.

Come November, Malik will be wearing his “Make America Great Again” cap.

Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his “deep disappointment” in his brother Baracks administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”.

Meanwhile, Obama family dinners may be a little awkward, now that the president’s half-brother says he’s voting for Trump.

“Honestly, I’ll be happy when my brother is out of office, and I will finally be out of the limelight and be able to live like a human being”, Malik Obama said.

Trump has tweeted his surprise at Malik Obama’s stance: “Was probably treated badly by president – like everybody else!”

According to the New York Post, he’s registered to vote in Maryland and will do just that – – – for Trump.

“He’s just straightforward. It is not like someone is prompting him”, said Malik.

Malik is also quoted railing against the US President for allegedly showing little interest in his Kenyan family and declining to support his campaign in the Siaya gubernatorial race in 2013.

When asked by the Post how many wives and children he has, Obama said, “That’s personal”. Obama Sr met and then married Barack’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham, after he enrolled at University of Hawaii.

Mr. Malik did not meet his younger half-brother until 1985.


President Obama’s half-brother wants to make America great again – so he plans on voting for Donald Trump. Malik Obama, the eldest, is the director of the Barack H Obama Foundation, a controversial Virginia charity named for his father.

Why Obama's half-brother says he'll be voting for Donald Trump