
Colbert asks Cartoon Hillary about hacked DNC emails

The Late Show host buried the old “Stephen Colbert”, and then introduced a new one. The host told his audience Wednesday that Comedy Central claims the character of Stephen Colbert, from The Colbert Report, is its intellectual property and asked that he stop playing him on CBS.


Stephen Colbert officially retired his Colbert Report persona last night after facing legal troubles following his July 18 edition of The Late Show and introduced his identical twin cousin – yes – Stephen Colbert. “But I think everyone agrees now is the time for us all to come together in unity, or harmony, or solidarity, or whatever synonym resonates more strongly with you”.

So exactly how are Stephen Colbert and his cousin identical?

A popular US talk show host has said that if Hillary Clinton becomes US President the US will be like 1960 Sri Lanka.

Jimmy Fallon isn’t the only juggernaut Stephen Colbert has to face these days.

This is the kind of petty spat that makes politicians look honorable by comparison, especially when you consider both CBS and Viacom’s Comedy Central fall under the same ownership – Sumner Redstone’s National Amusements. “Corporate lawyers”, Colbert said, announcing the character would no longer appear.

“Since many Americans can’t bring themselves to vote for a candidate, this year I say we change the system”.

Representatives from CBS and Comedy Central declined comment on Thursday. “Instead of focusing on my emails, let’s focus on what Donald Trump will do to females”, Cartoon Hillary said stiltedly.


He said there was another option for dissatisfied voters this fall: “Write in Michelle”.
