
Twitter significantly more positive about Clinton’s convention speech than Trump’s

Trump initially said he would not be watching her speech, telling a rally in Iowa: “I think we’ll stay here all night because I don’t really want to go home and watch that crap”.


On one of the biggest nights of the Democratic National Convention, President Barack Obama evoked the words of a Republican hero – former President Ronald Reagan.

Clinton, 68, made history this week when she became the first female presidential nominee of a major United States party. The election is on November 8. “Bonds of trust and respect are fraying”, Clinton will say. “She was doing everything I was doing, but just like Ginger Rogers it was backwards and in heels”.

Clinton joined Obama on stage at the end of his speech, but not before he thanked the American people for “this incredible journey” of the past 8 years.

The one-time rivals from the 2008 campaign then embraced on stage.

On Thursday Clinton will have to make the case herself.

“But most importantly, she has heart to lead this country”, she said. Bernie Sanders and former President Bill Clinton – and it “appears we had a lot more viewers” than the Republicans, Palmieri said.

Meanwhile the Republican National Committee (RNC) released a new video entitled “The Truth” which alleges how a rigged system has gotten Clinton off the hook despite her sending classified information over her secret email server and repeatedly lying about it.

“America is already great”, Obama said.

“Preach!” members of the crowd shouted. He called Russian President Vladimir Putin “a better leader” than President Barack Obama because “Obama is not a good leader”.

Put Trump under a microscope, he said, and you’ll find something far worse – a homegrown demagogue. “Your voice?” Obama said before delivering the punchline.

Chelsea Clinton, and husband Marc Mezvinsky at the Democratic National Convention.

She rejected his plans to build a wall on the southern border of the United States and bar Muslims from entering the country.

But he got a boost in opinion polls from his convention. “The American public has an image in their head of what a politician should look like – it’s a white man in a suit”. Yet a majority of US voters at the same time tell Gallup they do not trust her, conflicting views that have left her locked in a tight contest with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for a four-year term in the White House.

The most rousing Clinton sales pitch of the week came from Obama himself.

Trump, a 70-year-old NY businessman who has never held political office, is running just ahead of Clinton in a RealClearPolitics average of recent national opinion polls.

Trump, a former reality TV star, has portrayed the country as being under siege from illegal immigrants, crime and terrorism and as losing influence in the world. Biden said Trump “has no clue” about the needs of working-class people or what makes the nation great.

NY media mogul Michael Bloomberg, a Republican-turned-independent, assailed fellow billionaire Trump in a speech of his own, calling Trump’s presidential bid a “con” and ripping into his history of bankruptcies and lawsuits.


“Never has a party been so disconnected from what is happening in our world”, said Trump senior policy advisor Stephen Miller.

She has a gift for strategic thinking seasoned by knowledge and experience