
‘Trainwreck’ killings horrify Amy Schumer; she joins cousin New York Sen. Chuck

Comedienne Amy Schumer is throwing her support behind her cousin, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer’s efforts to introduce stricter gun laws in America following the deadly shooting during a screening of her film “Trainwreck” last month.


Comedian and actress Amy Schumer is teaming up with her cousin, New York Sen.

The proposed legislation, which the two presented at a news conference Monday, August 3rd, would reward states that submit information to the background-check system and penalize states that don’t comply.

They would also see the Justice Department make recommendations on how states can stop the mentally ill from acquiring weapons, as well as halt cutbacks to federal spending on mental health programs.

“We’re here today to say enough is enough to mass shootings in our schools, our college campuses, our military bases, and even in our movie theaters”, Amy Schumer said.

Amy delivered an emotional speech with her cousin, Chuck, by her side to lament the events in Lafayette, Louisiana, where a crazed gunman shot eleven people, killing two, at the Grand 16 movie theater.

Meanwhile, the elder Schumer was grateful for the beefed-up media presence. “I’m not sure why this man chose my movie to end these two handsome lives and injure nine others, but it was very personal for me”, the actress said. “I don’t know how else to say it”. “We need your help”. “But I want to be proud of the way I’m living and what I stand for”.

We probably won’t have to wait long for her to comment on this again, because Schumer will be on The Daily Show tonight and it seems safe to assume that this subject is going to come up.

Known best for her humor on women’s sexuality and gender inequality, Amy Schumer was asked Monday whether she thought Houser purposely picked her film because of his negative views about feminism and liberals. In a satirical May 2015 sketch, she contrasted the ease with which gun owners can pick up a new weapon with the difficulties US women face obtaining birth-control medication. One may think that, but if it were true, no soldiers wld die in war. James Bond and Hunger Games star Jeffrey Wright sarcastically attacked US Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry’s suggestion that the Trainwreck killings might have been prevented, if other cinemagoers had been allowed to carry guns.


Brah seriously @GreyG0D?

Actress Amy Schumer and New York Sen. Charles Schumer unveil legislation aimed at a NICS fix calling on states to submit more mental health records