
The First Third of Hillary’s Speech Was Awful

The Democratic vice presidential nominee told CNN’s “New Day” Friday that any such suggestion should be “temperamentally, a disqualification for the office” of president.


The Democratic National Convention is coming to a close on Thursday, with Clinton officially accepting the nomination from her party.

“She’s not Bernie”, he said. But for a country, she said she considers this a giant leap. She only stands together with the donors and special interests who’ve bankrolled her entire life. Clinton began articulating her education policy ideas at union conventions this month and Republican leaders championed school choice at their national convention last week. “That’s Hillary Clinton’s life story”.

For many, Clinton’s nomination goes far beyond politics.

She also says the US has the most innovative entrepreneurs and the most enduring values.

From there it was on to the Constitutional Convention and the Founders, about whom Mrs. Clinton had nothing interesting to say. We will not accept the current state of our country because it’s too hard to change.

“And we’ll build a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our economy”. “We’re nearly half the people in the room”, a supporter said.

“But we are not afraid”.

She said: “It comes down to what Donald Trump doesn’t get, that America is great because America is good”.

And a third group of voters will also be watching: conservatives and independents who are wary of Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, and might be willing to consider crossing party lines to stop Trump from winning the presidency.

His Republican opponent, US Senator John McCain, perpetuated this image of Obama being unable to relate to the struggle of everyday Americans. “We, together, will continue to make America stronger and better”.

During a speech marked by boisterous applause she accepted the nomination “with humility, determination and boundless confidence in America’s promise” as the convention hall erupted in a jubilant outpouring.

“He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”.

From The president headlined the night’s speeches, and a few of his boasts of his record headline our fact-checking report.

Hillary Clinton says she’s heard the views of Bernie Sanders’ steadfast supporters and says their cause is her cause.

The Clinton campaign embraced the historic nature of the night, reminding everyone how she has helped women by fighting for equal pay and women’s health care.

“How she basically campaigns towards us, while she’s also campaign to the rest of the country, is an important element in a lot of people making up their mind, including me”, he said. “It really represents American progress”.

In late April, Clinton traveled to Hartford to stump on behalf of her mother in the days before the state’s key primary against U.S. Sen.


Hillary Clinton thanked President Barack Obama and said she’s a better person because of Obama’s friendship, praised Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and her running mate, Tim Kaine.

Joe Biden and the Democratic Family at the DNC