
Tim Kaine’s Accepts Democratic Nomination for VP, Mocking Trump

Tim Kaine was announced as Clinton’s vice president pick.


Trump has slammed both Clinton and Kaine for their past support of the TPP deal and insisted that Clinton will ultimately approve the deal after passing minor changes.

One of the reasons Kaine said he trusts Clinton is because she’s consistent, and she’s consistently fought for women and children around the world. Some Democrats were also hoping Castro could help Texas court voters.

Kaine said his father-in-law remains a Republican, but is voting for Democrats because “any party that would nominate Donald Trump for president has moved too far away from his party of Lincoln”.

“Most people, when they run for president, they don’t say ‘believe me, ‘” he added.

Kaine led off by referencing his son in the military to attack Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw from our expensive and questionably beneficial membership in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Kaine, who was accused of being a tiresome choice when Clinton first announced the senator as her running mate, drew big laughs from the raucous convention crowd with his jeers at Trump.

“I accept your nomination for President of the United States!”

Kaine agreed that some of the things Trump has said about him are “comical”, such as on Wednesday, when the GOP nominee accidentally called him a “lousy governor of New Jersey”, during a press conference, but he still thinks the race is a “dangerous one”. It was side-splitting, and thanks to the Internet, you can see it for yourself right now.

“He has been a governor, he has been a mayor”. Kaine made a direct appeal to Republicans who are looking for the Party of Lincoln and told them that they have a home in the Democratic Party. Elizabeth Warren, a champion of tougher restrictions on Wall Street and other liberal causes.

He said Trump “never tells you how he’s going to do any of the things he says he’s going to do”.

But before he got to Trump, he spoke about trust in relation to Hillary Clinton-perhaps unsurprisingly given the Democratic nominee’s lagging poll numbers on trustworthiness.


“Hey, do you all remember Karla (Ortiz), the little girl that we heard from on Monday night, who was anxious that her parents would be deported? This guy is really impressive”. “My wife and I sat listening to him speak last Saturday and when we did, we said ‘Wow”.

Tim Kaine is the perfect vice presidential pick for Hillary Clinton