
Clinton says Trump can’t be trusted with nukes

Democrat Hillary Clinton will make her case for the White House on Thursday night, facing the tough task of equaling show-stopping speeches by President Barack Obama and others who have embraced her bid to become the first woman elected USA president. Her victory in the November presidential election is essential, not only for the completion of the agenda that he has set in motion, but also for the protection of American values and democracy, Mr. Obama said at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).


The Virginia senator urged voters not to fall for one of Trump’s signature phrases.

By contrast, many prominent Republicans were absent from the party convention that nominated Mr Trump for the White House last week. It’s a future we are going to build’.

Mrs Clinton promised to be a president for not just Democratic party supporters, but also for Republicans, some of whom have lent their support to her on the podium despite being from a rival party.

“[A president] for the struggling, the striving and the successful”. Whether you voted for me, or voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single objective.

O’Malley, delivering his biting remarks at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, said “to hell with Trump’s American nightmare”.

Hillary Clinton will begin speaking between 10 and 11 pm Eastern Thursday night. It was just too hard to fathom – that someone who wants to lead our nation could say those things.

But there is more at stake than his legacy, Mr. Obama warned, comparing the politics of the Republican candidate Mr. Trump to fascism and Islamism.

“.The more you hear from Donald Trump – the more demagoguery that he puts forward, the more misogyny, the more racism, the more division – these people that are Bernie delegates in their heart don’t believe in any of that”, Bremer Muggli added.

“Your cause is our cause”. Our country needs your ideas, energy and passion. He added, “If the Chinese were really capable of creating some kind of diabolical farce to hurt America, they wouldn’t create global warming, they’d invent Donald Trump”.

“When any barrier falls in America, it clears the way for everyone”. “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”. “His speech can help her help people get out the vote”. So let me tell you.

In a CBS News poll, taken after last weeks Republican convention, 56 percent of voters said Donald Trump is not honest and trustworthy. She also says terror attacks around the world require “steady leadership” to defeat a determined enemy. “But Hillary’s been in the room; she’s been part of those decisions”. Both defense secretary Leon Panetta and retired Gen. John Allen were disrupted by chants of “No more war!” Speakers, some of whom included military and police officers, made frequent mentions of religion and patriotism.

“It won’t be easy or quick, but make no mistake, we will prevail”.

“I’m voting for a fighter who never, ever gives up”, she said of her mother.

“Believe me”, he said, imitating Trump. “And I watch my daughters, two handsome and intelligent black young women, playing with their dogs on the White House lawn”, Obama said.


The previously unreported incident at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and its potential ties to Russian hackers, are likely to heighten accusations, so far unproven, that Moscow is trying to meddle in the USA election to help Mr Trump. “The American public has an image in their head of what a politician should look like – it’s a white man in a suit”.

Hillary Clinton speaks at the NAACP's 61st annual Fight for Freedom Fund dinner