
Did Bill Clinton Catch a Little Shut-Eye During Hillary’s Speech?

“No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton – corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes”. Most immediately, it was a bid to attract supporters of her former rival, Bernie Sanders.


“No, Donald, you don’t”, she sneared. She also questioned Trump’s temperament to be commander-in-chief, taunting that he can’t even handle the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign.

The Democratic nominee set out to prove she is ready to for her first state of the union address while childish Trump is busy lashing out on Twitter. He loses his cool at the slightest provocation. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons, ” Clinton taunted. She said she’s not yet sure if she will vote at all in November. The shoot-from-the-hip billionaire believes he can make headway in those states with blue-collar white men, a demographic that has eluded Clinton and was unlikely to be swayed by a convention that heavily celebrated racial and gender diversity.

It also praises her speech for having “at a moment when political discourse is divisive and dark, acknowledged stiff challenges but summoned optimism”. A week later at the Democratic National Convention, Clinton countered by attacking Trump’s business acumen, saying, “In Atlantic City, 60 miles from here, you’ll find contractors and small businesses who lost everything because Donald Trump refused to pay his bills”. He just stiffed them. After Trump’s speech, 57% of people reacted very positively.

Trump was campaigning in Colorado yesterday and is scheduled to visit OH next week. Trump suits in Mexico, not MI.

“You didn’t hear any of this from Donald Trump, did you, at his convention”, Clinton said. “Well, he could start by actually making things in America again”.

Clinton said it would be her “primary mission” to create more opportunities and more good jobs with rising wages, and to confront stark choices in battling determined enemies and “threats and turbulence” around the world and at home. “She’s ready. She never quits”.

She was, however, able to strike sunny, optimistic, patriotic notes to contrast with Trump’s gloomy acceptance speech at his convention one week earlier.

Clinton showed in her speech such an easy comfort level with all the aspects of leadership that the presidency requires that it’s puzzling why it took so long for a woman to break through, and that it isn’t just any woman, it’s the wife of a former president. “They’re trying to take all our stuff”. Reporter: Their chants repeatedly interrupting her speech. Of course not. They blistered her on social media throughout and, no doubt, into the wee hours. But they’re not going to decide this election.

After her mother’s presidential bid she re-entered public life to hit the campaign trail, endearing herself to supporters with stories of Clinton as a mother and grandmother to her children, Charlotte, aged 2 come September, and Aidan, born in June.


The former first lady, NY senator and secretary of state has been the frequent Republican target during her more than three decades in national politics, most recently for her use of a private email server for government business while at the State Department.

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