
‘Proud daughter’ Chelsea Clinton lauds mom Hillary Clinton at DNC

“It put into perspective what’s going in the nation, what we’ve accomplished in the nation during his tenure, but also that we need to move forward and get back to our moral values”, Player said. “We, we will not ban a religion, we will work with all Americans and our allies to fight and defeat terrorism”. She will aim to strike a stark contrast with Republican nominee Donald Trump. “We will not build a wall”. If Clinton wins, her victory will send a message to women and girls everywhere.


“Bill and I are closing one chapter of our lives – and soon, we’ll be starting a new one”.

But Clinton promised as commander in chief to harshly pursue any threat against America, particularly the Islamic State group, which has inspired a series of deadly attacks in recent months. “My job titles only tell you what I’ve done. And you know what, if fighting for affordable child-care and paid family leave is playing the “woman card”, then Deal Me In!”

“Look, Hillary’s got her share of critics”.

“Her unfavorable numbers would be a concern if there were a major gap between her and the Republican candidate, but with Trump as the GOP nominee, he also carries an equally bad unfavorable rating-so that is nearly a wash”, Mahaffee said.

She called her mother a “wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious” person who made time during her childhood to attend dance and piano recitals, and to gaze at the sky with her to find “shapes in the clouds”.

Clinton took the stage alongside President Obama to a cheering crowd just before the convention went into recess until Thursday-its last day, and the one on which Clinton will address the delegates.

The Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, will introduce her Thursday night, painting a personal picture of her mother.

During her speech, Clinton said the country was at “a moment of reckoning”, presenting herself as the responsible choice for president instead of Trump.

Donald Trump is suddenly distancing himself from last week’s Republican National Convention, after television ratings show that the Democratic National Convention consistently pulled in more viewers across the country for three consecutive nights.

Chelsea spoke as only a daughter could, attempting to personalize her mom as “wonderful, thoughtful and hilarious”.

With Trump casting himself as an outsider, a political neophyte committed to upending the Washington establishment, Clinton faces the hard task of appearing as the steady hand at the tiller even while promising to be a catalyst for change.

“Let’s talk about trust”, Tim Kaine said during his speech.


Obama repeatedly summoned Reagan’s hope and optimism Wednesday night as Democrats try to attract disenchanted Republican voters uneasy about Donald Trump’s claim to the GOP mantle and fearful about a possible presidency.

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