
Email leak exposes Democratic National Committee

In one of the 29 voicemails released, a woman who donated $300 to Clinton called the party finance director Andrew Wright and said she was angry the party was acquiescing to Sanders by allowing liberal activist and prominent Sanders surrogate Cornel West to have one of 15 seats on the party’s platform-writing panel.


A supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton left a series of angry messages with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) over the party’s supposed bending over backwards for Vermont Sen.

In one audio recording, the angry Clinton supporter said in her minute-long voice mail that she was “furious” about what she perceived as party support for Sanders and giving the self-described democratic socialist “too much influence”. Wasserman Schultz will resign from her position as DNC chair over the scandal.

Still, Sanders delegate Courtney Rowe, 34, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said “we are not here to disrupt for the objective of disruption”. Sanders’ supporters almost drowned out her remarks with screams of “Shame!” and “You’re ruining our democracy!”

Wasserman Schultz acknowledged the protesters in her speech.

DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., speaks during a Florida delegation breakfast, Monday, July 25, 2016, in Philadelphia, during the first day of the Democratic National Convention. By comparison, the $3 million Wasserman Schultz raised between January and June 30 came mostly from political committees and larger donors. The prospect of additional leaks- perhaps of correspondence by the candidate herself- may be enough to tilt the election in favor of the GOP nominee, who Democratic leadership considers less a political opponent than a threat to national security and American democracy. The peace lasted precisely 10 days.

The Sanders” supporters held paper signs that said “E-mails” on one side and “Thanks for the “help’ Debbie”, on the other.

Earlier on Thursday, The Donald said he thought about “hitting” a number of speakers “so hard” after they criticized him at the Democrat convention.

Sanders, US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg, and husband and former President Bill Clinton will all advocate for Clinton in primetime this week.

‘Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits from the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries.

Fealk said he viewed the emergence of hacked DNC emails, which suggested favoritism of Clinton, as a revelation and evidence of the party’s disrespect for progressives. Trump also bashed Clinton as “owned by Wall Street” and claimed her “vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety”.


It defies belief to think that Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t know what’s going on.

Work continues inside the convention hall before the