
Clinton, Kaine kick off 3-day bus tour through Rust Belt

“The guy promises a lot”, Kaine said.


Virginia Senator Tim Kaine accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for vice president on Wednesday night at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

“Well he’s been a civil rights lawyer from the start”, Omara said “He could’ve taken an unbelievable law firm offer right out of Harvard Law School”. Rather than ask Americans to trust her, she implored them to rally against Trump, who she cast as risky and unfit to lead the country. But Trump said Friday that Sanders “sold his soul to the devil” when he – unlike some of his loudly protesting supporters – threw his support behind Clinton.

Kaine, who introduced Clinton, described the former secretary of state as someone who “knows how to battle and get things done for regular people”.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) – Fresh off a spirited convention, Hillary Clinton told prospective voters Friday they face a “stark choice” in November and pressed ahead with the scalding rhetoric against her Republican rival that marked numerous speeches in Philadelphia.

More seriously, Kaine said the presidential race is an “existential choice for the country” over questions like bringing back torture and “punishing people due to their religion”.

The delegates also suspended the convention rules Wednesday to endorse by acclamation U.S. Sen.

He repeated his motto of “Faith, family and work”, intermingled with Spanish, to applause from the audience. He recalled his work as a civil rights attorney. The campaign said the tour would highlight Clinton’s proposal “to make the largest investment in jobs since World War II” during her first 100 days in office.

“I don’t have a sense of humor about cyberterrorism”, Kaine said.

In Philadelphia, he used the words of Republicans who’ve criticized Trump, including former first lady Barbara Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Do you really believe him? But he insisted, “We don’t have a single issue in this country that we can’t tackle”, and said job creation would be the top priority if Clinton wins the White House. Sources familiar with DNC planning tell us Congressman Booby Scott’s speech to formally nominate Kaine was canceled.

Much of their unhappiness has centered on Kaine’s vote in 2015 to support so-called “fast track” authority, allowing the president to put forward the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Both candidates suffer from negative perceptions among voters, as many public opinion studies have shown during the past year.

Hillary Clinton’s running mate was governor of Virginia not New Jersey and now represents the commonwealth in the U.S. Senate. She’s ready. She never quits. “She lassoed him. She brought him to Virginia and Virginia made him governor, now senator, now [potentially] vice president of the United States”.


Biden, a loyal Democratic soldier and a popular figure within the party, said Clinton “has always been there for you”.

Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, Leon Panetta and Michael Bloomberg Bash Donald Trump as 'Risky, Reckless and Radical'