
Clinton accepts Democratic presidential nomination on convention’s final night

There’s no telling whether that would happen before election day, November 8, but the IRS says there’s no legal reason Trump can’t make the tax returns public even as they are under review. Typically, the GOP nominee approaches the task of commenting on a political rival’s oratory like a middle-school bully approaches the task of commenting on the teacher’s pet’s new braces.


Hillary Clinton last night formally accepted the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidency, warning Americans that they face a stark choice between her approach to the economy, terrorism and national unity, and that of her Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

As Clinton moves into the general election and the final 100 days of the campaign, a question of trust and likability looms over her campaign.

From backstage, Hillary shared her own message of pride via Twitter. Hillary Clinton faces the test of a lifetime yesterday as she accepts the Democratic White House nomination in a defining speech aimed at prying voters away from Donald Trump – and convincing America to entrust her with the world’s biggest job.

If so, the tycoon still has a long way to go before establishing his credibility as an evenhanded commentator.

“Don’t let anyone tell you we don’t have what it takes”, Clinton said as she took an early swipe at Trump’s acceptance speech last week.

Democratic talk of the taxes spilled on to the convention stage Wednesday night.

Mindful of the hunger for change overseas in the country, he argued, with mostly small data points, that through steady and dogged effort, she has tackled one problem after another and always made things a little better.

“By the way, if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails”, he said.

She said people want “steady leadership”.

It is imperative we vote for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton is continuing a theme at the Democratic National Convention that seeks to counter Trump’s starker vision.

Amanda Sullivan of Weston, Fla., sweated it out on a blistering 97-degree day to hold her “Bern or Jill but never Hill!” sign as she joined the 1,000-deep group of demonstrators at City Hall earlier this week.

On Wednesday, she was the star guest for the Human Rights Campaign’s lunch to honor LGBT elected officials.

“I’m here as a proud American, a proud Democrat, a proud mother, and tonight, in particular, a very, very proud daughter”, Chelsea said before sharing details of her childhood, from “Goodnight, Moon” readings to a fascination with dinosaurs.

Clinton undoubtedly has far more appeal than Sanders among black voters, a critical voting bloc in Democratic primaries.

Stein has proven to be a chief agitator, as Bernie Sanders himself rejoins the fold and urges Democrats to get behind Clinton’s campaign.

She focused much of her speech on extolling the nominee that year, Vice President Al Gore, praising him as “Bill’s trusted partner”.

Clinton said the United States has the most dynamic and diverse people in the world – and the most powerful military.

Clinton thanked President Barack Obama and said she’s a better person because of Obama’s friendship.

The Democratic nominee said she’d try to build an economy that benefits everyone and she’d work toward a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants.

“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman – not me, not Bill (Clinton), nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America”, Obama thundered before a cheering crowd.

Her philosophy is the opposite, summed in the title of the book she wrote years ago and invoked again Thursday night, that it takes a village and not a strong man.


An even higher percentage of people in some polls say they do not believe Clinton is honest and trustworthy, and the percentage who believe the country is seriously off track remains at high levels. “It’s the calling of her life”.

Donald Trump speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. The convention helped boost his poll numbers