
Debbie Wasserman Schultz at last minute drops out of convention

But in a startling turnaround, on the eve of her own party’s convention, it’s the South Florida congresswoman who is out as chair of the Democratic National Committee – over a Jewish-related controversy of her own. Regardless, the leak, just days before the beginning of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, has become, at best, an unwelcome distraction at a time when Democratic officials were hoping to field a unified party behind nominee Hillary Clinton and her new running mate, Tim Kaine.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz, announced she will step down at the end of the convention week.

“She’s been fixing endorsements right and left and I’ll say, from the moment I jumped into this race when I go to appear at the local Democratic club meeting or local union hall, the word had been passed along from Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s staff not to let this man speak”.

The protesting could include delegates turning their backs on Clinton or walking out of the convention hall when she accepts the nomination Thursday, several delegates said. The correspondence, posted by WikiLeaks over the weekend, showed top officials at the supposedly neutral DNC favoring Clinton over Sanders in the presidential primaries. Items in the emails showed strategies for how to defeat the Vermont senator, including exploiting his religion in areas where it would be valuable.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook today addressed delegations from Vermont, New Hampshire, and ME – all filled with Sanders delegates, many of whom sported buttons, T-shirts, and other garb supporting the senator – and promised the party would look at “the entire nominating process”.

The latest developments dealt a major blow to the Democratic party which was keen on projecting stability in contrast to the volatility of Republican candidate Donald Trump, who was formally nominated last week, and overshadowed preparations in Philadelphia for Clinton’s coronation as the Democratic nominee to face Trump in the November 8 presidential election. It isn’t just possible, it’s very likely, that the entire Wikileaks release was orchestrated by Donald Trump and his best friends in the Russian Oligarchy.

“If there’s an opening, we’re absolutely going to take that opening”, Patel said.

But Sanders repeatedly voiced frustration with a DNC and party establishment he felt was stacked against him, and the resentment from Sanders and his supporters threatened to disrupt the convention.

“I also said many months ago is that for a variety of reason, Debbie Wasserman Schultz should not be chair of the DNC”.

“It could threaten their agreement”, one Democrat said, referring to the deal reached between Clinton and Sanders about the convention, delegates and the DNC. Another source remarked that Wasserman Schultz has been “quarantined”.

“I always said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated”. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), another figure who is immensely popular with the socialist-progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

She said she will still open and close the convention.

Ah yes, Hillary. I’ve often told you that Hillary Clinton is neither smart nor accomplished, and that people constantly overestimate her capabilities as they recommend her for the positions she has held. This is despite Sanders’s conceding the nomination to Clinton and endorsing her ahead of tonight’s speech where he is expected to do so again.

“Workers in the Fight for 15 movement will never be props for any party or political candidate”, Caldwell said.


However, the idea that Russian Federation wants to help Trump goes further out on a limb and is speculation.

DNC treatment of Sanders at issue in emails leaked to Wikileaks