
DNC Wraps Up Tonight With Hillary Clinton Officially Accepting Nomination

But for papers stuck without a good, relevant photo of Clinton at deadline, there were other options besides simply running a picture of her husband. If anything, it made it harder.


Bill Clinton announced his campaign for president in October 1991.

On Tuesday night, the former president will promote what aides say are his wife’s lesser-known achievements, her early days as a child advocacy lawyer, her policy campaigns as first lady and work as senator from NY. “We just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling”, Clinton said during a surprise appearance from NY via live satellite. Public conversations on Facebook included: “No one told Bill Clinton that American Muslim citizens’ right to be in America is not predicated upon a national security framework”, and, “Since when did Muslim-Americans being forced to leave America become an option the Democratic Party was considering?”

The Bakersfield Californian covered nearly its entire front page with Bill Clinton. He did his best to impress her.

Her latest major endeavor has been working alongside her parents at the Clinton Foundation, where she serves as the group’s vice chair. While briefly mentioning “Halloween parties in the neighborhood to a Viennese gala in the White House, ” he kind of skimmed over some key points in the 1993 – 2001 range.

“She’s married to a man who is the worst abuser of women in the history of politics”. While campaigning in Kentucky, though, she might have gotten carried away. “Just remember this. And some of those women were destroyed not by him, but by the way Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down”. And many of them weren’t even close. “Don’t know if that’s because she’s a woman”. She also began pursuing a global relations back at Oxford, which she completed in 2014. Before the former President’s speech, several delegates said they were anxious about the harsh negativity of the election and the seeming inability of Hillary Clinton to endear herself to voters. In the meantime, I will follow Michelle Obama’s wise words when talking to my boys. “That is just who she is”, he said.

Clinton has multiple missions to accomplish with her speech: explain how she can build on the accomplishments of President Barack Obama without sounding like a defender of the status quo, win over Americans with lingering questions about her trustworthiness, make the case against Donald Trump’s bleak vision of America, and rebut the hours of vitriol heaped on her at the GOP convention. “Listen, she was in support of it. There were specific things in it she wants fixed”.

“It’s actually going to unfold into a role that’s not too dissimilar from the one he’s been playing for 16 years as a former president”, Anthony said, adding that first ladies have historically avoided partisan issues.

User @graham liddell wrote, “Bill Clinton’s ‘*If* you’re a Muslim and hate terror’ seemed completely out of touch – legitimizes notion that Muslims should be suspect”. “A real change maker represents a real threat”, he said. I’m Hillary Rodham, who are you?’4. “He made her into such a warm, human and accomplished person”. Sanders claimed 1,894 delegates.


The convention debuted Monday to a bumpy start when party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced expedite her resignation due to an email scandal indicating possible party efforts to undercut Sanders’ candidacy.

Rob Dobi for NPR