
Hard act to follow for Clinton at DNC

In Trump’s view, Clinton failed to accurately express the looming dangers America faces and voters’ desire for a “LAW AND ORDER” president.


He said on Wednesday there had never been a man or woman more qualified than Clinton to serve as president.

For many of them, she made them more suspicious, tossing out soaring progressive language that simply doesn’t match the reality of who she is.

Yet only hours before Clinton was to speak, Leonard would not say whether she intends to vote for the Democratic nominee in the November 8 general election.

The previously unreported incident at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, and its potential ties to Russian hackers, are likely to heighten accusations, so far unproven, that Moscow is trying to meddle in the US election to help Trump.

“I’ve had the kids come complain to me about it”, said Gianncarlo Hector, 16, a junior counselor at the camp. “For the struggling, the striving and the successful”. “Are there people who are still emotional and wish we didn’t get 3.7 million more votes?”

The speech was Clinton’s turn in the spotlight after three days of electrifying appearances by President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and first lady Michelle Obama, and Clinton acknowledged that some people still do not know her well. Sounding more like a pundit than the subject of all the vitriol, he pronounced her speech “so average” and “full of cliches”.

“We are clear-eyed about what our country is up against”.

He said Clinton “cannot even say the words” radical Islam, while accusing her in another tweet of “unleashing destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world”. We just need to get a kick out of them. “We trust Hillary!” a man shouted, prompting an eruption of cheers.

Clinton’s acceptance speech Thursday night in a general thematic sense wasn’t all that different from her Roosevelt Island speech. Rocked by a series of scandals, she is now about as unpopular with voters as her Republican rival.

After a convention speech aimed squarely at undercutting Trump, the first female presidential nominee embarks on a bus tour through two Rust Belt battlegrounds, OH and Pennsylvania.

She thanked him for a campaign that “inspired millions of Americans, particularly the young people who threw their hearts and souls into our primary” and said he had “put economic and social justice issues front and centre, where they belong”.

“What’s the difference in what I told you and what they said?” Khizr Khan also spoke.

“You have sacrificed nothing, and no one!” He pointed to “Radical Islam” and police shootings as the kind of problems the former secretary of state ignored, though the final night of the DNC featured several military officials making the case for Clinton’s national security expertise and remarks from the families of police officers killed on duty.

“No, Donald, you don’t”, she sneared. The Democratic convention was meticulously created to craft her image as a caring grandmother tough enough to battle terrorists and unite a party still unsettled by a fractious primary process.

Some of my colleagues said that she spent too much time talking Donald Trump and not enough time touting her own résumé.

“My wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious mother”, the 36-year-old said, adding: “She was always there for me”.

“Here’s the sad truth”.


The Indiana governor and Donald Trump’s running mate departed from Indianapolis Friday morning along with over 100 riders.

Spredfast said 20 percent more women tweeted during Hillary Clinton's speech than during Donald Trump's.   Getty Images