
Now Trump Jr accuses US President Obama of plagiarism

There was lots of memorable oratory at this week’s convention in Philadelphia; meant to boost Hillary Clinton, these performances risked eclipsing her finale instead. I get it, that some people just don’t know what to make of me. Ted Cruz of Texas, refused to endorse Trump in his prime-time speech.


“The entire convention itself, especially as it sort of came to the crescendo last night, represented all the problems that this country is facing”, said co-host Mika Brzezinski, along with “the hope, the optimism, the principles it’s based upon”.

In Cleveland, however, Trump failed to secure the kind of star-studded event he promised would take place at the convention.

On Thursday night in Philadelphia, Mrs. Clinton cast herself as the more steady, unifying leader and promised to strengthen the middle class, overhaul immigration and enact new gun restrictions. “And you know what, if fighting for affordable child-care and paid family leave is playing the “woman card”, then Deal Me In!”

Hillary Clinton capped a four-day convention celebration with a plea for national unity and tolerance.

Regardless of the underwhelming ratings seen during the early portions of the Republican National Convention, that final speech from Trump appears to have drawn more Americans to their television sets than Clinton was able to garner a week later.

How did Donald Trump become wealthy? We’re not. Don’t let anyone tell you we don’t have what it takes. And, with a decent number of young women voters still undecided, she could have referenced an emotionally charged story about a woman who suffered because she couldn’t get access to an abortion. He’s forgetting every last one of us. She leaned on her Methodist faith and the iconography of martial patriotism to seamlessly marry a progressive agenda with small-c conservative values.

All she and her surrogates at the Democratic National Convention had to do was cite Trump’s own unfiltered spew of consciousness.

Granted, the GOP nominee did implicitly criticize his female opponent for delivering her speech too loudly (which is a bit like Jeffrey Dahmer giving someone a hard time for eating non-free-range chicken).

“I believe Wall Street can never, ever be allowed to wreck Main Street again”.

In 2012, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were almost tied, with 47 percent for Romney and 46 percent for Obama, in ABC News/Washington Post polling.

Clinton acknowledged Sanders and his supporters. The refusal to adapt and grow, to welcome people from non-Christian, non-straight, non-white communities is absolutely one of the biggest reasons the party is in its death throes, allowing the “homegrown demagogue” that is Trump to win the nomination and steer a course for the rocks. He says he knows more about ISIS “than the generals”, and he’s “speaking with myself” on foreign policy, because he has “a very good brain”.


In Colorado, Trump goaded Clinton on her failure to hold a news conference since December and accused her of lying to the FBI over its investigation of her email scandal as secretary of state. Her radical amnesty plan will take jobs, resources and benefits from the most vulnerable citizens of the United States and give them to the citizens of other countries. For all the similarities in terms of flag-waving and chanting, and the (deeply problematic, even when Dems say it) idea of American exceptionalism, the modern Republican Party has not been particularly keen on real diversity and inclusion.

Hillary Clinton arriving on stage during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia