
Barack Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton In Speech At The Democratic National Convention

But we are not afraid.


But we’ll always have his wife. With the nomination of Hillary Clinton, the glass ceiling to presidential candidacy has at last been smashed.

Clinton needs to give the best speech of her life.

Acknowledging Americans’ anxieties, Clinton is vowing to create economic opportunities in inner cities and struggling small towns.

“It’s a culmination of her work over a lifetime”, said campaign manager Robby Mook. As a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, I have seen and deeply appreciated this side of Clinton myself.

For Clinton, the stakes are enormous.

Clinton further objected to Trump’s assertion that he alone can fix what’s wrong with the nation, noting that Americans solve problems together and invoking the phrase “it takes a village”, which is the title of a book she wrote. Even as Clinton and her validators argue Trump is unqualified for the Oval Office, they recognize the businessman has a visceral connection with some voters in a way the Democratic nominee does not.

While her speech lacked the electrifying qualities of President Barack Obama and a parade of other prominent Democratic speakers, Clinton spoke authoritatively and with self-assurance in her pitch to the American public.

Another night, another Democratic ratings win, just like the first two days of the convention.

Chelsea Clinton will join her mother in addressing the convention earlier in the primetime slot.

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine took the stage to “humbly” accept his party’s nomination for vice-president. “The threats are too great, the times too uncertain to let Donald Trump be president of the United States”. Obama hit a lot of high points, both shading Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump and highlighting how progressive and successful the Democratic agenda was, an especially important topic with all the ill-informed Bernie Sanders dead-enders in the audience who were convinced that Clinton is basically a Republican.

Wednesday’s was the picture of diversity that Democrats have sought to frame the whole week: A black man symbolically seeking to hand the weightiest baton in the free world to a woman. He also had some not so kind words for the Republican National Convention.

Clinton took the stage to roaring applause from flag-waving delegates. “That’s the America I know”, he said. The quip gave credence to suspicions that Russian Federation is behind the recent WikiLeaks release of email records stolen from Democratic National Committee servers and sounded as though Trump were encouraging hostile foreign governments to conduct espionage in an attempt to swing the election.

“Donald Trump is the most unsafe candidate to run for president in the modern history of this country”, Sanders told delegates in suburban Philadelphia.

The Republican nominee has hammered Clinton as untrustworthy, and Republicans depict her as a Washington insider who would continue what they see as the failed policies of Obama’s presidency.

In his speech, Obama offered an optimistic view of the United States that he contrasted with Trump’s vision of a country in crisis.


Thursday night’s convention lineup will also showcase Democratic up-and-comers, including Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro; Katie McGinty, a Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, and Illinois Rep. Tammy Duckworth, also a candidate for the Senate. “I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me, because you’re who I was talking about 12 years ago when I talked about hope”, he said, harking back to his own campaign.
