
WikiLeaks Publishes Purported Audio Recordings From DNC Email Hack

Wikileaks put up a page containing 29 mp3 files of calls, identified by phone number, running approximately 14 minutes combined. A separate call from another ambassador asks for details about a small dinner with Obama.


While most of the voicemails were merely callers leaving their numbers for a call back, some callers addressed their dislike for Bernie Sanders and the DNCs’ involvement with him.

It’s unclear whether the release will create as much of a firestorm as the emails release, but the timing of the release is clearly seeking to disrupt the Democrat’s confab.

While most of the messages appeared to be inconsequential, others are likely to add to concern that the heart of the Democratic establishment was against Sanders’ throughout the process of deciding upon a candidate.

One voicemail to Finance Director Andrew Wright revealed a donor’s frustration with Vermont Sen.

The release follows more than 19,000 stolen DNC emails that WikiLeaks published on its website last week.

“What I see is the Democratic Party bending over backwards for Bernie”, adds the caller. The emails proved that the presidential-primary was never fairly run and that despited any popular vote, Bernie Sanders was not fit for, not would he ever be, the Democrat nominee for president.

The release is the second batch in a series of leaks that have rattled the Democratic Party, and comes after Hillary Clinton officially received the party’s presidential nomination on Tuesday.


One person, calling from the 267 area code of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was looking for how to reach the First Lady, Michele Obama.

WikiLeaks causes a stir during DNC