
Clinton draws 2.4M fewer TV viewers than Trump in convention speech

[It] truly is up to us. Jackie Baumgardner, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, a Democrat who volunteered to help delegates with disabilities, said, “I think we were all lifted up tonight and we’re going to work to get her elected”.


Clinton said she would build an economy that gives jobs to everyone and not a few and a country where “love trumps hate”. Clinton acknowledged them and told them their cause is her cause as well.

“Don’t believe anyone who says I alone can fix it”, Clinton said.

The three-day trip will highlight the campaign’s strategy of reaching out to Republican voters and targeting GOP-leaning areas as it looks to woo rural working-class white voters central to Trump’s base. “I think she excelled on all of those counts.”Schwank was among the delegates representing the Berks County area at the convention”.

Highlighting occasions when Mr Trump had apparently responded to criticism, she said: “If you dare, imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis – a man you can bait with a tweet, is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons”.

“She’ll be a wonderful president”, Henry said.

Trump undeniably got one. So enough with the bigotry and bombast. He said Clinton “distinguished herself from (Trump’s) hateful rhetoric by surgically exposing each and every hateful and vacuous position he has taken since floating down his escalator a year ago”. “No wonder people are anxious and looking for reassurance – looking for steady leadership”. Looking for steady leadership. “To all of your supporters, I want you to know that I’ve heard you”.

“I got the biggest bump”, he said.

She promised to be a president for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. “Yeah”, said Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “He’s taken the Republican Party a long way from “Morning in America” to ‘Midnight in America.’ He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”. And she noted the historic aspect of her nomination: “When any barrier falls in America it clears the way for everyone”, she said, “because after all, when the glass ceiling is broken it means the sky’s the limit”.

“For the past year, many people made the mistake of laughing off Donald Trump’s comments – excusing him as an entertainer just putting on a show”.

I’ve watched much more of RNC & DNC than normal. “Or when he mocks and mimics a reporter with a disability”, she said.

Clinton said Trump is offering America “empty promises” and what she called “bigotry and bombast”.

Trump, who will address two rallies in Colorado later Friday, responded to the Democratic challenge by launching a tirade of insults on Twitter against Clinton and her surrogates. “But I wasn’t sure it was going to be in our lifetimes, were you? No”.

“We will not ban a religion”.

“We are clear-eyed about what our country is up against”. But we are not afraid.

Experts predict that “negative partisanship” – voting against a candidate – will play a major role in deciding who makes it to the White House.

Clinton is struggling to unite an increasingly left-leaning party under her and former President Bill Clinton’s centrist political brand. Speaker after speaker cast Trump as intolerant, inexperienced and unsafe, including the Pakistani-immigrant father of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq, who waved the Constitution and remarked that Trump “has sacrificed nothing”. “Your cause is our cause”. During her acceptance speech, she quoted Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous phrase: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.

And she’s ready to cut the cord and govern for average people.


Then came Hillary. Her speech got off, we thought, to an terrible start.

Promoting national unity, Clinton also seeks to build trust