
History Is Made As Hillary Clinton Accepts Presidential Nomination

Chelsea was bad. There is no other way to put it. Beyond the fact that she is a painfully poor public speaker, the content of her speech was, in my view, all wrong. Another distraction arose, however, as her aides acknowledged that a hacking attack that exposed Democratic Party emails also reached into a computer system used by her own campaign.


Kaine will accompany Clinton on the journey through so-called “rustbelt” states which are vital parts of nearly any strategy to garner the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency. He slammed the former secretary of state as an ineffectual defender against terrorism and blasted her judgment.

The US presidential campaign has entered a crucial phase with the end of both Democratic and Republican national conventions.

“Millions!” Trump said Friday during a campaign appearance in Colorado Springs, Colorado. To find out more about what lies behind the vote, each week we also ask respondents one or two extra questions about their preferences and values.

Throughout the convention, Democrats tried to convey the stakes of the election not only to Sanders backers but to Republicans concerned about Mr Trump’s bombastic tone and foreign policy positions.

“Hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risks we face, and she is still the best darn change maker I have ever known”, he said, hitting back at Republican arguments she is a Washington insider tied to the status quo.

From there it was on to the Constitutional Convention and the Founders, about whom Mrs. Clinton had nothing interesting to say. “I know this because I served with her”, John Allen, who was a commander in Afghanistan, said.

Other top Republicans have so far been silent at least on social media about Clinton’s speech, including the 2008 and 2012 GOP presidential nominees, Sen.

She’s trustworthy, lovable, a Clinton grandma.

“I’ve been saying let’s just beat her on November 8”, he said, “but you know what?”

Elaine Gelb, a real estate manager from Philadelphia, said although she didn’t view Kaine as an “exciting” pick, the senator appeared to be a good match and political partner for Clinton.

Don’t worry, they say, everyone loves Hillary.

The more casual format of the upcoming barnstorm suits Kaine just fine, said the VP candidate, who explained he felt “weird” being on the big convention stage because, “I don’t like wearing a tie that much”.

Trump’s tweeted response to Clinton’s speech captured his pitch to those voters.

She added that she doesn’t want people to get shot from someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place.

“Even in a time when people have anxiety, I don’t think what they want is leaders who stoke the pessimism”, he told CNN.


The impressive array of endorsements, the impressive display of unity, and the exposition of democratic nominee’s vision bode well for Hillary Clinton.

now reading: Four Things to Look for in Post-Convention Polling