
Trump trails by 6 points after DNC

In sharp contrast with the visible divisions and rancor in the Republican camp at the Republican Convention in OH a week earlier, Democrats succeeded in presenting an image of unity, despite differences which are too well known by now.


Trump’s campaign would not reveal who he was referring to as the “very little guy”. “I’ve heard you: Your cause is our cause”, she told them, promising to work to make “the platform that we wrote together” political reality.

In the biggest speech of her quarter century in politics, Clinton on Thursday accepted the Democratic presidential nomination for the November 8 election with a promise to make the United States a nation that works for everyone.

But the Democrats’ gathering in Philadelphia turned out to be higher-rated than the Republican convention in Cleveland through Wednesday.

“I am not willing to hand this country over to Donald Trump”, said Chris Pumpelly, a Sanders delegate from Kansas.

Throughout the convention, Democrats tried to convey the stakes of the election not only to Sanders backers but to Republicans concerned about Mr Trump’s bombastic tone and foreign policy positions.

Trump attacked Gen. John Allen, saying he “failed badly in his fight against ISIS”.

She was due to hit the campaign trail yesterday with her running mate, US Senator Tim Kaine.

The Indiana governor and Republican vice presidential candidate said Friday that he has a “heavy heart”.

He sought to steal patriotism and love of country from Trump.

From second from left, Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, Sen. “A bold agenda to improve the lives of people across our country – to keep you safe, to get you good jobs, and to give your kids the opportunities they deserve”, Clinton said.

Rallying in Colorado, Donald Trump denounced Clinton’s convention speech as “full of lies” and said he’s starting to agree with those calling for Clinton to be locked up.

Ratings matter to Trump, who routinely boasts about them to reporters and on Twitter.

Clinton’s three-day bus tour moves on to Harrisburg Friday night. In a tweet he revealed he was talking about former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg, who blasted Trump Wednesday night and called on Americans to elect “a sane, competent person for president”. For all the similarities in terms of flag-waving and chanting, and the (deeply problematic, even when Dems say it) idea of American exceptionalism, the modern Republican Party has not been particularly keen on real diversity and inclusion.

In fact, viewership for the Democrats’ first night slightly exceeded Thursday night’s count.

You can disagree with various policy points raised at the DNC, but I hope more people than not can at least find inspiration in the overall message of coming together as Americans – and that the definition of what makes one America is far more diverse and encompassing than the Trumps of the world would have you believe.


Paul Manafort tells “Fox & Friends” on Friday that, “if it’s midnight in America, it’s because of seven-and-a-half years of the Obama-Clinton administration”. “I think many will come around following the warnings they are getting from everyone about the dangers of a Trump presidency”.

Cheers Tears from Arizona Delegation as Clinton Gives Historic Acceptance Speech