
Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump at convention

Asking Trump if he had ever read the USA constitution, Khizr Khan, father of Humayun S M Khan who was one of the 14 American Muslims who served USA forces for 10 years and died in Iraq in 2004, told Americans to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


“Hillary Clinton was right to say my son is the best of America. Let me ask you – have you even read the United States Constitution?” said Khzir Khan, whose son was killed in combat in Iraq. “I will gladly lend you my copy”, Khan said, pulling a copy of the document from his jacket pocket to thunderous applause and cheers.

Khizr Khan pauses at the grave of his son in Arlington National Cemetery. “Go look at the graves of courageous patriots who died defending [the] United States of America”, he said to a thundering applause.

“If you want to see the best of America, you need to look no further than Army Captain Humayun Khan”, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a video before Khan’s father took the stage.

“You have sacrificed nothing”, Khan concluded bluntly.

In his party convention speech in Cleveland last week, this policy appeared to have been altered to cover “any nation that has been compromised by terrorism”, something Trump subsequently described to NBC as an expansion. Other than his suggestions for a wall across Mexico, Trump has proposed to ban Muslims from entering the United States, should he become president.

Khizr Khan was the speaker, his son Army Capt. Humayun Khan died from a suicide bomb attack in Baghdad 12 years ago. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.”Trump, Khan argued, was imperiling that ideal with his smears of Muslims, women, judges and other groups”.

Despite being screened by most other United States channels, Fox News gave the speech just two minutes of air time without the audio during its rolling news broadcasts as adverts played.

It was Donald Trump’s worst nightmare.


We can not solve our problems by building walls, sowing division. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, and Hillary Clinton has often cited his case as an example of the loyalty and sacrifice immigrants bring to America. He asked voters to honor the “sacrifice of my son and on Election Day take the time to get out and vote”. “God bless you, thank you”.

Muslim soldier shames Trump