
Obama lays out optimistic vision for US, endorses Hillary for president

But Dugan’s conviction only grew deeper after Clinton delivered her speech accepting the Democratic nomination for president during the final night of the party’s national convention in Philadelphia.


“Tonight, we’ve reached a milestone in our nation’s march toward a more flawless union”, she said, following an introduction by her daughter Chelsea, “the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president”. She made a promise in her speech that she wouldn’t back down from bullies like Trump who stand in her path to success. Her speech offered an olive branch to those unsure about her possible presidency, pointing out that she alone cannot fix our problems – as Trump asserted he could.

Clinton cited Khan to hit out against Trump’s threats to temporarily suspend Muslim immigration while determining how to vet them. “Let me ask you, if you have read the US Constitution?” “He wants to divide us from the rest of the world, and each other”, Clinton said.

Recent presidential elections have been “base” elections, in which each party seeks to maximize turnout by its core supporters.

“With a feathery touch but clear political intent, Hillary Rodham Clinton responded today to the critics of her four-year stint as First Lady by drawing on the imagery of strong women from an earlier era who battled withering criticism in their day”.

But the larger focus of his speech served to urge the American public, whom he called “the best organizers on the planet”, to mobilize-to go out and vote, “not just for a president, but for mayors, and sheriffs, and state’s attorneys, and state legislators”.

“Now I know some of you are sitting at home thinking, well that all sounds pretty good”. She also addressed how supportive her parents have been through the years.

“I believe that when we have millions of hardworking immigrants contributing to our economy, it would be self-defeating and inhumane to kick them out”, she said thus vehemently opposing the move of the rival Trump campaign to deport illegal immigrants. “Part of the reason that the two conventions look so different is they have very different jobs in terms of their reference to the current administration”.

“Bernie Sanders and I will work together to make college tuition-free for the middle class and debt-free for all”, Clinton said. She said she wants to protect people “from being shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place”.

She said she was happy for boys and men, too, because when a barrier falls, it clears the way for all. “We wrote it together”.


“Hopefully, people won’t make their decision based on politics, ” Dugan said. Building a better tomorrow for our beloved children and our beloved country.

Hillary Clinton