
Clinton Appeals To Sanders Supporters At DNC: ‘Our Cause Is Your Cause’

You may remember that the previous week, Trump shouted out a rambling, hate-filled speech with pointed jabs full of his usual suspects: he’s going to build a wall, ban all muslims, make America great again, etc. Hillary took umbrage with that, and pointed out his weaknesses while driving home her own.


“We battled for a year and a half”, recalled Obama during his speech Wednesday night.

“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman-not me, not Bill (Clinton), nobody-more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America”, he said.

Mr Obama praised Mrs Clinton at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, as the most qualified person ever to run for the White House. Let me tell you it was tough-because Hillary was tough.

She said she would be a president for Democrats, Republicans and independents – “for all those who vote for me and those who don’t”.

This latter exhortation was Obama’s campaign slogan in 2008.

The president’s swipe was somewhat personal with Trump being one of the most vocal leaders of the “birther” movement – those who doubted Obama was born in the US. She needs to come up with something more than just, “I’ll be the first woman president”.

Clinton received 15.8 million votes during the Democratic primary, beating out her rival, Vermont Sen. America is already strong.

Leonard Stevenson of the Wilson County Democratic Party, and a Tennessee delegate, said the speech is “right up there” with his best and that it “did the job”.

Trump, in a statement, said that the Democrats “offered no solutions for the problems facing America” and pretended America’s problems “didn’t even exist”. “….anyone who threatens our values, whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end”, Mr. Obama said. Trump sounds like Walter Mondale and Midnight in America. While ratings for the first three nights of the DNC have beaten those for the Republican National Convention, Trump said “we had a tremendously successful convention in Cleveland”, and added that his speech one week ago got “rave reviews”.

Clinton cited Khan to hit out against Trump’s threats to temporarily suspend Muslim immigration while determining how to vet them.

Trump got a bump in the polls after the Republicans’ dark convention.

Clinton didn’t speak in 1992 when her husband was first nominated as a presidential candidate.

Last October, the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, gave Hillary Clinton one of her earliest organized labor endorsements. “You’ve put economic and social justice issues front and center, where they belong”, Clinton said.


If she can mobilize a similar minority turnout from young African-American voters like Williams, it might blunt gains Republicans are hoping to make among working-class whites in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.

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