
Clinton offers United States ‘clear-eyed’ vision

Hillary Clinton has attacked Donald Trump for running a negative campaign.


Donald Trump mocked Bill Clinton on Friday with a video that appears to show him sleeping during his wife Hillary’s Democratic National Convention acceptance speech. “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”.

Last night Hillary Clinton made history by becoming the first woman to accept the presidential nomination of any major political party in the US.

“I want you to know, I’ve heard you”, Clinton said to supporters.

Experts told USA Today Clinton, in her Thursday speech, should mention that if she wins, she would be in the White House on August 18, 2020 – the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

And we’ll build a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our economy! “From my first day in office to my last”, she will say – pointing in particular to “coal country”, an area that just months ago she had seemed to write off.

And she pledged to defeat the Islamic State group with air strikes and support for local ground forces, while authorising a “surge” in intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks.

Painting Republican nominee Donald Trump as a know-nothing who cozies up to dictators, Obama said November’s vote was “not just a choice between parties or policies; the usual debates between left and right”. “Millions!” Trump said Friday during a campaign appearance in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

She recalled her youth and how her family had grafted to make sure she had opportunities they had not, before explaining why her upbringing had inspired her attempts to improve education for disabled children.

So Clinton did accurately quote Trump – he did say “I alone can fix it”.

Ahead of the Clinton speeches, the conference saw a series of speeches from ordinary supporters, with Democrats – many of whom supported rival candidate Bernie Sanders – urged to set aside differences. “In contrast to the dark Republican message, Democrats have become the party of light, the party of hope”. “Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution? They don’t tell you why”, Clinton said.


“I think the Bernie Sanders influence has been monumental, ” she said, adding that it had a definitive impact on the party platform coming out of the convention.

Hillary Clinton on science