
Robert Pattinson happy for Kristen Stewart after revealing relationship with Alicia Cargile

Kristen Stewart, now promoting her Woody Allen flick Cafe Society and the sci-fi movie Equals opposite Nicholas Hoult, finally spoke about her private life: She is very much in love with her girlfriend and former personal assistant, Alicia Cargile.


SoKo may also be feeling bitter about Stewart’s recent interview with Elle wherein she openly talked about her feelings for Cargile.

Kristen made it clear that they had broken up a couple of times and gotten back together.

“We were turned into these characters and placed into this ridiculous comic book, and I was like, ‘That’s mine”.

Apart from having killer style, an unbelievable voice and the dream fiancee She wins the beauty game every time.

Stewart’s statements also fuelled speculations that she and Cargile were ready to take their relationship to the next level. However, somewhere in between, Kristen Stewart and Alicia Cargile broke up and the former started dating French singer Soko. I was like, ‘Actually, to hide this provides the implication that I’m not down with it or I’m ashamed of it, so I had to alter how I approached being in public. Whereas, when I was younger, I was like, ‘You’re gonna screw me over.’ Now I’m like, ‘Whatever.

It was only on 2012 that she confirmed her relationship with Pattinson after a number of eyewitness accounts and photographs of the couple had surfaced.

John F Kennedy Jr.’s secret life, mysteries, controversies in new documentary ‘I am JFK Jr’. Over time, they developed a relationship, though it hasn’t been without a fair share of hurdles.

This is the first time, Kristen speaking about her personal relationships. “But then, at the same time, I’ve discovered a way to live my life and not feel like I’m hiding at all”. Kristen has revealed that she has an intense relationship with Alicia. “She’s happy… She’s my daughter, I’m just her mom so she knows I would accept her choices”, Jules Stewart said.

Kristen shared that it hasn’t always been like this for her. “She’s a lovely girl”.

As far as Pattinson is concerned, it sounds like he couldn’t be happier for his former girlfriend.

Tell us! Were you surprised by Kristen Stewart’s coming out?


Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs have been hitting the split headlines for quite some time already; so, it comes to no surprise that either of the two is reported to be cheating on the other.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart