
UofL board resets meeting to consider status of president

The University of Louisville Board of Trustees abruptly cancelled their meeting scheduled for Tuesday morning in which the trustees were expected to accept the resignation of President James Ramsey and discuss their process of searching for a new president.


Ramsey is also head of the U of L Foundation, which manages the school’s endowment. But he came under increasing attack for embezzlement scandals and other campus embarrassments, including an investigation of a health care executive.

The Board of Trustees unanimously voted to begin the search for the next University of Louisville president but Board of Trustee President Junior Bridgeman said there are no candidates or names that have been mentioned as possibilities for the leadership. Ramsey will be paid $690,000 – the equivalent of almost two years of his university salary – with an agreement not to sue the school.

“By any measure – student retention and graduation rates, research funding and successes, student achievement and fundraising – the University of Louisville is a different, far better institution because of Dr. Ramsey”, he said.

The dismantling of the board by Governor Matt Bevin has lead to a lawsuit filed by Kentucky’s Attorney General.


A series of court battles have followed, challenging the legality of the move. The revamped board first met earlier this month. But it’s unclear what, if any, of Ramsey’s requests the board agreed to honor.

U of L President Ramsey Resigns — With Some Caveats