
Trump Wishes Clinton Would Have Congratulated Him In Her DNC Speech

Rantz: Whenever you are talking about Supreme Court justice picks, that is the one thing that makes Conservatives nervous about Donald Trump, lean toward Trump.


However, some like Oscar-winner Meryl Streep have pointed out that Clinton has walked through fire to get her party’s nomination.

At the same time, he added: “Perceptions of Clinton and Trump are relatively hard-wired compared with those of typical presidential candidates”.

She accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for president Thursday night with a message stressing the need to unite in order to confront the nation’s challenges. “They’re angry. He was angry”, Trump said.

“I hope she would lay out her presidency for the next four years so we know exactly what she has in mind”, Barber said.

“That was indicative of the lack of substance in the Republican candidate and foretelling of the support Secretary Clinton and the Democratic Party is (drawing) and will continue to draw”, she said.

Chelsea Clinton shares a moment on stage with her mother Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Thursday, July 28, 2016. Indeed, Trump uncharacteristically inserted himself into the news cycle throughout the Democrats’ week in Philadelphia, on Tuesday asking Russian hackers to find Clinton’s deleted emails and on Wednesday hosting a Reddit AMA that coincided with the third night of Clinton’s Democratic convention. “I am telling you we have made progress but we have work to do”.

A college student, Yeung said he was happy to hear Clinton include millennials in her speech. Rather than ask Americans to trust her, she implored them to rally against Trump, who she cast as unsafe and unfit to lead the country.

Of the volatility in polls concerning Clinton and Trump, the pollster Nate Silver of said: “Bounces seem to be larger in years when there are more undecided and third-party voters”.

She contrasted her record and leadership with that of Republican nominee Donald Trump, rejecting Trump’s proclamation that he alone can cure America’s ills and instead promoted a vision of unity based off of the campaign’s motto of “stronger together”. That demographic has eluded Clinton and was unlikely to be swayed by a Democratic convention that heavily celebrated racial and gender diversity.

Selling that message will depend on whether Clinton can reach voters walled off by long-standing distrust.

The charge comes after Melania Trump was criticised for lifting significant portions of her address to the convention from Michelle’s first convention speech in 2008.

Tim Kaine and their spouses, will focus on economic opportunity, diversity and national security, themes hammered home this week by an array of politicians, celebrities, gun-violence victims, law enforcement officers, and activists of all sexualities and races. During her moving speech on the closing night of the Democratic National Convention she was showing signs that she’s the logical choice in this election and her supporters were an emotional mess taking it all in. He described the Republican gathering as “dark and depressing”.

And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Sanders, saying, “I’ve heard you”. If Clinton ends up getting elected in November, she may be in the White House to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment in 2020. “Your cause is our cause”.

The speech also included something for supporters of Clinton’s vanquished rival, Vermont Sen.


Lemire reported from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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