
Colorado town gets so much hail that it looks like snow

But you know what? I am starting to agree with you. I never met him, and he got up and started talking about Trump, Trump, Trump. “We have plenty of space here”. Another 1,000 people were escorted to an overflow room, while thousands more were turned away. Trump blamed the fire marshal for not allowing more people into the auditorium. And the reason they won’t let them in is because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing, that’s why, okay. “Hey, maybe they’re a Hillary person”. Could that be possible?


“I think we’re just here to make a statement”. I was so surprised, ’cause he seemed like a tough guy. It turns out that Brett Lacey was named Citizen of the Year for his actions following the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs. “Wouldn’t that be great?” he said.

Going off from his speech, Trump denied any wrongdoing in words he said about Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

“He wanted to go home, he wanted to go to sleep”, Trump said.

Even at the end of his speech, Trump continued his assault on Lacey.

“Mr. Trump’s language, the political rhetoric he has used is unsafe and it’s divisive and it’s not factual and that’s very problematic in a democracy”, said Jeffrey Montez De Oca, UCCS Sociology Professor. “He’s probably a guy that doesn’t get it”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said the gloves will come off and he will no longer be “Mr”. From January 2015 to January 2016, Clinton raised more money in the state than the five Republicans who remained in the race early this year.

Trump has previously called for Clinton to “go to jail” over her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state, but decided not to go along with his supporters’ “lock her up” chants during his speech at the convention.

“I was curious to see whether she would do a class act and not mention my name or mention it with respect”, Trump said and then he imitated Clinton. “I’ll be back here so many times you’ll be sick of me”. But after watching that performance [Thursday] night – such lies – I don’t have to be so nice anymore.

“I think it’s been very peaceful and it has been appropriate for people to express different views”, Shockley-Zalabak said. At the Republican National Convention last week, Colorado delegates attempted a coup against Trump and gave 31 votes to Cruz, who had suspended his campaign.


“These jokes and bromides may play well in rare venues and limited circles”, he wrote in a post on Medium.

Clinton Trump take gloves off in White House slog