
Trump says he doesn’t want Cruz’s endorsement

“I’m so glad Ted Cruz came to the convention last night and congratulated Donald Trump on receiving the nomination”, Pence said.


“Friends, delegates and Americans, I humbly accept your nomination for the president of the United States”, said Trump.

“I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology”, Trump said, adding for emphasis: “Believe me”. What difference does it make?. “Just, Ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself”.

Trump said he reviewed a version of Cruz’s speech, but allowed him to take the stage anyway Wednesday night.

“He may have ruined his political career”, Trump said.

“I have a message to every last person threatening the peace on our streets and the safety of our police: When I take the oath of office next year, I will restore law and order to our country”, Trump said.

She said, ‘I mean, I never thought I would say these words, but Ted Cruz was right!’

Ivanka Trump, a businesswoman and former model, is Donald Trump’s daughter from his first marriage to Ivana Trump.

“If he gives it, I will not accept it!” He blamed it on the PAC that ran the ad.

In the interview, Ivanka Trump acknowledged that her father’s comments have “gotten him into trouble occasionally”, but said that the fact that he engages directly with voters on social media is powerful because it shows autonomy and that he isn’t afraid to speak his mind.

“Somebody got booed the hell out of the place by thousands and thousands of people”. “But I think what you’ve seen all this week is Republicans coming together around our nominee”.

He then proceeded to dredge up the time he retweeted an unflattering picture of Cruz’s wife Heidi, as well as the time he suggested that Cruz’s father Rafael was involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination. Although he’s got good intellect, but he doesn’t know how to use it.

He packed the convention hall with his grassroots army of supporters, who seemed nearly completely disinterested in his policy positions, even though they could reshape the party for years to come on core issues like trade, immigration and foreign policy.

“His father”, Trump began.

During his acceptance speech, Trump argued that numerous world’s travails could be blamed on Clinton. “I knew from day one it was a huge uphill battle”.

Trump first suggested that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination the day of the in primary, citing the tabloid’s piece. “All I did is point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer, there’s a picture of him and insane Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast”.


In his speech, Trump offered little in the way of details about his policies but rather portrayed himself as a fresh alternative to traditional politicians, willing to consider new approaches to vexing problems and help working-class people who may feel abandoned.

Source Gage Skidmore  CC BY-SA 2.0