
Trump to slain soldier´s father: ´I´ve made a lot of sacrifices´

Khizr Khan, a US citizen of Pakistani origin and a Muslim, won widespread praise when he spoke Thursday at the Democratic National Convention, telling the story of his son, US Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed by a bomb in Iraq in 2004.


Stephanopoulos then pressed Trump to explain how those examples constitute as sacrifices comparable to Khan’s son’s.

‘His wife… If you look at his wife, she was standing there. “She had nothing to say”, Trump said, adding that “maybe she wasn´t allowed to have anything to say”. Khizr Khans son, Humayun S.M. Khan was a University of Virginia graduate and enlisted in the US Army.

While Ghazala did not speak at the DNC, she did address Trump’s criticisms in a later interview on MSNBC, saying she was too emotional to speak.

“I controlled myself at that time”, she said. “It’s very unique and very hard to do and I give him tremendous credit”.

“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”, Trump told ABC News in excerpts of an interview posted on Saturday.

But Saturday, he unmuzzled himself.

His wife Ghazala Khan said: “I am very upset when I heard when he [Trump] said that I didn’t say anything”. “I wanted to say 10 other things about him, and she said, “Don’t go to his level. We are paying tribute to our son'”.

If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.

The nominee’s remarks drew strong rebukes on Saturday – but only silence from several senior GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the vice-presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

Kelly countered that not only has Trump not walked back his original ban proposal but has expanded it “to include Muslims from any territory that suffers terrorism”.

At the convention, Khizr Khan questioned whether Trump had read the USA constitution, and said Trump has “sacrificed nothing and no one”.

“Who wrote that?” Trump responded.

“I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard”, the businessman said. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. Khan said. “He is not worthy of our comments”. “Instead, he might have asked why Humayun Khan had died in the first place – because of a war that many if not most Americans regard as a tragic blunder, that led to the deaths of thousands of Americans”.

Ghazala Khan went on to say that she’s sorry Trump doesn’t understand their faith. Trump called Bloomberg “a guy who didn’t have the guts to run for president”. “If I become president, I will make America safe again”.

On Saturday, Clinton campaigned in Pennsylvania and OH, using the days following her convention to try and win back some of the white working class voters that once made up a key piece of the Democratic Party’s electoral coalition. Tim Kaine of Virginia.

“This is a time for all Americans to stand with the Khans and with all the families whose children have died in service to our country”, Clinton said in a statement. And this is a time to honor the sacrifice of Captain Khan and all the fallen. Trump disputed that Saturday, saying he’d given up a lot for his businesses. He insinuated that she had worked to schedule two of the debates during football games so viewership would be lower.


“He doesn’t know anything about me”, Trump said.

1. Fighting Words10 hours ago Khan Begs GOP to Stand Up to Trump Lucy Nicholson  Reuters