
Joe Biden Rallies DNC: ‘Trump Has No Clue, Period’

He already has appeared at fundraisers for eight Senate candidates and plans to do more.


But when the young Illinois Sen.

The DNC should have been Joe Biden’s stage, not Hillary’s. And then, because he wasn’t quite done yet, Biden punctuated that by shouting, “Come on!”

Some supporters were still pushing for a Biden run, working to set up the infrastructure he might need. I know about Hillary Clinton.

“I look at someone who is a statesman”.

“We think about the countless thousands of other people who have suffered so much more than we have with so much less support”, he said.

“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman – not me, not Bill, nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America”, he said, drawing a standing ovation from a beaming Mr Clinton. He also had the ability to show enormous empathy, was a gifted retail campaigner, and was a passionate consoler during times of national tragedy. Period”, Biden said, inciting chants of “Not a Clue! But she knows that’s what happens when you’re under a microscope for 40 years. “These guys don’t know what they’re talking about”, Biden said.

He never got there, at least not in time.

Many in the jam-packed arena were in tears while holding signs that read “Yes we can” and “Thank you” as US President Barack Obama and Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton embraced each other tightly and waved to the crowd.

His comments sounded like what would have been his stump speech, vigorously defending the Obama-Biden record and sounding a note of optimism. “And we can’t afford to make that choice”, he said. Biden has helped introduced Murphy to voters around the state, including Miami and Orlando, with another event coming up in in Tallahassee in August, said Murphy’s campaign manager Josh Wolf. “I don’t think it’s naive to talk to Republicans”.

“She knows she’s made mistakes, just like I have; just like we all do, ” Obama said.

In the months since, the mood of the country has been anything but that hopeful plea, with Trump rising in large part due to fear and unrest. Tim Kaine of Virginia, who delivered his acceptance speech to the convention in Philadelphia, will be the one slogging through endless speeches and state tours by plane and bus, day in and day out, until November.

And Democrats have plenty of fissures too that were blatantly on display Monday with infighting between Clinton and the establishment wing of the party and Sanders backers and a new progressive, increasingly vocal movement.

Biden acknowledged his final convention address as an elected official was a bittersweet moment, coming only a year after the loss of his eldest son, Beau. Early polls showed he was more competitive against leading Republicans than Clinton.

Like the people in the neighborhood that Jill and I grew up in, she in Willow Grove, and mine down in Wilmington and Claymont, the kid in Claymont with the most courage, who always jumped in when you were double teamed or your back was against the wall. “I’ve been made strong at the broken places”, Biden said, keeping himself from choking up.

The vice president worked to ease years of friction with Clinton, including intense speculation last year over whether he would jump into the presidential race. The duo will campaign for the first time together next month in his hometown after their last event was canceled in the wake of the deadly shooting of police officers in Dallas. And he doesn’t out running for office. During the primaries, Biden had suggested that, while Bernie Sanders had always been concentrated on inequality, it was a relatively new theme for Hillary Clinton.


“How can there be pleasure in saying ‘you’re fired?’ He’s trying to tell us he cares about the middle class?”.

Biden: Sanders supporters 'are all going to end up voting for Hillary'