
Skydiver successfully makes 25000 foot jump without parachute

Luke Aikins is an absolute mad man!


Aikins hit the 100-by-100-foot net perfectly, quickly climbed out of it and walked over to hug his wife, who had been watching with other family members.

He landed in a large net suspended in the air, but only just.

“I’m nearly levitating, it’s incredible”, he said.

“This thing just happened!” My vision was always proper preparation and that if you train right you can make anything happen. “It’s awesome”, he added.

Aikins revealed just before climbing into his plane that the Screen Actors Guild had ordered him to wear a parachute to ensure his safety. However, the requirement was lifted shortly afterwards, as Aikins argued it would be more risky to perform the jump with a chute on his back. However, he left the plane without it and explained the reason behind his move.

If all goes according to plan, he will land two minutes later in a trawler-like fishing net 20 stories above the ground and only about a third the size of a football field. “She doesn’t support this project”, he said with a sheepish smile.

Aikins is jumping out of an airplane over Simi Valley in California.

He endured forces of almost 4G as he landed in the net on his back in the Simi Valley, California.

“Pay attention to the science and the maths behind this”.

“We’d been seeking an agreement and they wouldn’t allow us to sign one”, said a source connected with the show.

Well, Aikins has made the world record and we all are glad he has completed the jump without any mishap.

However, the net was not invincible. “If I wasn’t nervous, I would be stupid”, Aikins said before the stunt. We’re talking about jumping without a parachute, and I take that very seriously.

A couple of weeks after Talley made his proposal Aikins called back and said he would do it. He’d been the backup jumper in 2012 when Felix Baumgartner became the first skydiver to break the speed of sound during a jump from 24 miles above Earth. He’s been racking them up at several hundred a year ever since.

In all those years, he needed to use his emergency chute on 30 occasions.

In fact, Aikins, whose grandfather co-founded a skydiving school after serving in World War II, is a third-generation skydiver.


There was a lot of method behind Aikins’ madness: he has made more than 18,000 skydiving jumps.

Skydiver makes history by plunging 25,000ft without a parachute