
Trump says he’d like to punch DNC speakers

An estimated 50,000 people are expected in Philadelphia, including hundreds of protesters and members of the media.


The issue has flared up in recent days, in the wake of the hack of emails at the Democratic National Committee that the Obama administration said Wednesday was nearly certainly the work of Russian Federation.

Democrats wrote off his acceptance speech at the Republican convention last week as too long, too gloomy and too angry until they saw how he shot up in the polls straight after.

Why? Because Bloomberg tacitly acknowledged Donald Trump’s strengths by taking him seriously. Ray Jones II, a Pikeville Democrat and the Senate Minority Leader, wouldn’t say if he would vote for Clinton after his Democratic primary opponent accused him of supporting her. It truly is up to us. If Trump’s elected president, he said, “how much in debt would we be to other countries?” You’ve got to get in the arena with her, because democracy isn’t a spectator sport.

It was a bold move on Clinton’s part, not least because there are a lot of voters who don’t feel especially optimistic right at this moment for all the reasons Hillary laid out in her speech: stuck wages, limited mobility, and exclusion from economic growth. “Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis”, she said.

It will be a hard and high-stakes task for the guarded Clinton, 68, known to be a more effective politician in small gatherings than on big stages.

For decades, Americans have been fascinated by Clinton’s rise through politics, her persistence in the face of failures and her capacity for enduring scandal.

She must make inroads with voters who find her untrustworthy or unlikable, as her favorability ratings in polls have hit all-time lows.

“He says he’s a successful businessman who wants to do for the country what he did for his company”.

The Republican presidential nominee joked about it during a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa.

Trump rejected the optimism voiced at the Democratic convention, saying Democrats were talking about “a world that doesn’t exist” and papering over Clinton’s problems and mistakes. “And through every victory and every setback, I’ve insisted that change is never easy, and never quick – that we wouldn’t meet all of our challenges in one term, or one presidency or even in one lifetime”.

Brown described being painstakingly background-checked, effectively deposed by a team of lawyers and interviewed by Clinton for 90 minutes at her home in northwest Washington.

“Think about that”, said Biden, his voice growing angrier.

“Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me”, the president said. “You know she’s tough”.

The quote has been pulled from a longer statement in which Clinton talked about the need to help coal workers as the country transitions to alternative energy sources. After two nights of speeches meant to unify the party and show a more personal and warmer side of Clinton, the third night featured a sharp turn to attacking Trump. Clinton and Trump are the most unpopular major-party nominees in modern times, pollsters say, with more than half of Americans giving each one an unfavorable rating. America is already strong. He has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country and a wall along the border with Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out.

Biden called Trump an opportunist with no clue about how to make America great. Vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, mocking Trump, said, “Believe me, there’s nothing suspicious in my tax returns”.


Joyce Lalonde, a retired elementary school teacher and delegate from MI at the Democratic convention, was eagerly anticipating Clinton’s address as a milestone for women. Lalonde said. “Men didn’t have to go through what women had to”.

Former President Bill Clinton is shown on television right as President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appear on stage together at the DNC