
Trump wants us to fear the future, says Hillary Clinton

What is the real America and who is the real you? Americans want a federal government that is more concerned with keeping potential terrorists out of the country than figuring out how to resettle refugees from terrorist states in their neighborhoods. Her occasionally hard husband subordinated his considerable ego in order to bend his convention remarks to her needs.


Hillary Clinton has capped off a four-day Democratic Party convention celebration with a plea for national unity and tolerance.

“We are clear-eyed about what our country is up against”, she said. “That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire”. Speaker after speaker reminded the hall that she’s been taking on battles since her early 20s, always in the service of others and always leading higher levels of achievement.

The timing of the interview is not insignificant.

Donald Trump pulled off the upset – at least in television popularity. The question for voters is whether she can do what Obama could not.

It opens a new chapter in what is already one of the most divisive presidential campaigns in modern U.S. history after Republicans and Democrats spent the last fortnight formally selecting their nominees.

The election, Obama said, was “not just a choice between parties or policies; the usual debates between left and right”.

And Wednesday night, when Obama addressed the crowd, they stood on their feet, waving blue Obama placards or holding aloft “Yes We Can” posters.

Hillary Clinton is not a gifted orator. “Trust me, I know”, Obama told an adoring audience as he extolled Hillary Clinton for president.

“I know a lot of people who are younger than I take for granted that, ‘Of course we’re going to elect a woman as president one day, ‘” Davis, whose 2014 bid for Texas governor failed, told TPM.

Clinton closely trails Donald Trump in the ratings, according to overnight analysis of her Democratic convention speech compared to his at the Republican convention last week. I know Hillary. Hillary understands.

Accusations that she used her official position to leverage donations from wealthy foreigners and governments to the Clinton Foundation and lucrative speaking fees for herself. “It’s not that she has experience, it’s that she has a record of fighting for you”. The incessant invective will inevitably take a toll on her public image.

Kaine will accompany Clinton on the journey through so-called “rustbelt” states which are vital parts of nearly any strategy to garner the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency.

Ms. Clinton has fought and clawed and climbed her way to becoming the first woman ever to become the presidential nominee of a major political party in this country.

Chelsea finally gave her parents the title they had both been coveting for a long time – grandparents – in September 2014 with the birth of her daughter, Charlotte.

Clinton’s favorability suffered – dropping to 45 percent – when she ran for the Senate, when people suggested she was an unqualified carpetbagger.

Barack Obama said it outright.

In the end, the most admired women are the ones who challenge gender norms, even if it is unpopular and makes them unpopular. His mother had even fallen on her political sword for Chelsea’s father, casting the deciding vote for President Bill Clinton’s 1993 budget that helped lead to her ouster the next year after a single term. She was criticized for overreach from the traditional role first ladies play and for her appearance, which was deemed insufficiently feminine.

The trip through Pennsylvania and OH, which started Friday, looks to take advantage of a problem within the Republican Party: That around 20% of Republicans have an unfavorable view of their newly-minted nominee.


Anna Greenberg is senior vice president of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, a Democratic polling firm.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump