
What Time Will Chelsea Clinton Speak at the DNC?

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have spent much time discussing public K-12 education issues during the primary season. Typically, the GOP nominee approaches the task of commenting on a political rival’s oratory like a middle-school bully approaches the task of commenting on the teacher’s pet’s new braces.


Some Democrats are still anxious that Donald Trump might win, given the level of volatility this election cycle, how Trump deflects media attacks like Teflon, and the high level of Democratic discontent within their own ranks over Clinton’s nomination. “I’ve seen her holding the hands of mothers anxious about how to feed their kids, how they’ll get them the health care they need”.

Clinton was clearly emotional as she walked on stage, and said: “I’m so happy this day has come”.

She mocked that Trump’s speech didn’t include real solutions that would help everyday Americans.

Trump’s twitter even posted a new campaign ad in response to Clinton’s speech. “We will rise to the challenge, like we always do”, she said. But Clinton, who says the “stronger together”, also has not been able to fight the tide of protectionism in the country. Her speech on Thursday is a flawless opportunity to explain why they should vote for her.

“…there has never been a man or a woman – not me, not Bill, nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as President of the United States of America”, said Mr. Obama.

Johnstown, PA (CNN)Hillary Clinton, standing on a metal working factory floor here in Western Pennsylvania, tried to cut into Donald Trump’s grip on white, working class voters by casting herself – not the businessman-turned-Republican nominee – as 2016’s change candidate.

“When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”, Clinton said Thursday at the Democratic National Convention in accepting the historic nomination.

Look, I know people are angry or frustrated”, Clinton said shortly after someone shouted at the small event.

“I just want people as we go into this election to be fair”. And it also wasn’t us, or I, but “we, we, we”.

DW’s Richard Walker had noticed earlier there were plenty of Bernie Sanders supporters in the room, eager to make a statement. “Millions of Democrats will join our movement, because we are going to fix the system so it works fairly, and justly, for each and every American”. “Actually, some of the folks I defeated they probably would say, ‘Boy, he was not very nice'”.


“He’s taken the Republican Party a long way, from Morning in America to Midnight in America”, she said with a nod to the Reagan campaign slogan of 1984 as chants of “Hillary, Hillary” broke out repeatedly throughout her primetime speech.

The truth about politics Campaigns end on Election Day — revolutions don't