
Donald Trump Blacklisting Certain Members of the Media

Marjorie Hershey, a professor of political science at Indiana University, echoed the point that Pence may be most closely identified with social issues, but said she did think he could play a role in reaching out to the corporate world.


“I committed myself to Christ when I was 18”.

“After reading an editorial in the New York Times about Judith Miller’s jailing and the need for a federal reporter’s privilege, Pence took it upon himself to champion the legislative effort for a federal media shield law, which would protect journalists from being forced to reveal confidential sources”.

Pence also discussed the recent turmoil over appointing a ninth justice to the Supreme Court of the United States.

This contradiction came up during Trump and Pence’s first joint interview on 60 Minutes, during which Pence defended the name-calling by arguing that Trump’s name-calling touches on the issues Americans care about. “And you know, one of the reasons-and this is 100 percent-one of the reasons I chose Mike was because IN, under his leadership, has done so well”. “My position has not changed – like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions”. “I truly believe that Roe vs. Wade was wrongly decided”.

Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence is scheduled to speak in Tucson at a town hall meeting Tuesday, a campaign official said Friday.

The Post reports that after DelReal couldn’t get into the venue, he attempted to get in via public line but was reportedly stopped by private security and denied entry because he had a laptop and cellphone.

“He said, ‘I don’t want you here – you have to go, ‘” DelReal said of the security official, who would not provide his name.

According to a Securities and Exchange Commission regulation: “The two-year time out is thus triggered by contributions, not only to elected officials who have legal authority to hire the adviser, but also to elected officials (such as persons with appointment authority) who can influence the hiring of the adviser”.

“You know”, he said, “I authored legislation in the Congress”.

The sheriff’s office says shortly after the reporter went inside event staff escorted him out of the Expo Center. Upon receiving this request, one of the deputies asked the reporter for his permission to pat him down.

MIKE PENCE But I’ve found him to be, well, you know, I don’t think name-calling has any place in public life, and I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that, let alone laced into a sentence like that.


“The codenames for the would-be heads of state generally skew toward the slightly witty”, CNN reported, “and each name in a family all start with the same letter”.

Reporter Barred From Pence Event In Wisconsin