
Nokia is ready to come back in the market

Nokia is hiring experts in software, testing new products and looking for sales partners as it is setting up its return to the mobile device and consumer tech segment that it abandoned when it sold its mobile handset business.


As the company and its CEO have said in the past, the company plans to do things differently the second time around.

Among the projects is work on new mobile handsets, although a non-compete deal with Microsoft that expires in June 2016 means that date would be the earliest that the Nokia name would be able to re-enter the smartphone market.

The we’ve got already dropped into its toe of the feet into the end user market; it must unveiled an Android ipad, the N1, that will continued deal in January in China and years ago presented a “virtual-reality video camera” overvallen…

However, it is not going to be easy clawing back to some relevance in the always changing competitive mobile handset business where Apple has scooped up close to 90% of the profits in the industry. This is in stark contrast to the Nokia of old, which was once the highest volume producer of mobile phones in the world. Any future Nokia smartphones will bear the Nokia name and be designed by its engineers, but the responsibility (and risk) of manufacturing and bringing the phones to market will fall on third-party OEMs like Foxconn.

At the beginning of August, Nokia formally announced an agreement to sell its HERE mapping business to German automakers – including Audi, AG, BMW and Daimler AG – for $3.07 billion.

This was the kind of deal Nokia struck for the N1 tablet and though they are less profitable than manufacturing and selling its own products, they are also less risky. They can add a tidy sum of revenue for little investment for the company, which generates the bulk of income from selling telecoms network equipment to operators like Vodafone and T-Mobile.

The company says its brand is recognised by four billion people.


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Nokia Corporation Looking To Become A Consumer Electronics Giant Yet Again