
Horrific Massive Flash Flood Destroys Historic Maryland Town

WBAL-TV quoted the Howard County executive’s office as saying that a woman was killed because of the flooding.


Ellicott City, Maryland, a historic town known for its antique stores and handsome Main Street with an old world feel, was devastated Saturday night by a massive flash flood which decimated much of the city.

Weather meteorologist John Collins of Baltimore television station WBAL reported that 6 inches (15 cm) of rain fell in Ellicott City within two to three hours.

Kittleman describes the damage as “devastating”, and worse than the damage in 1972 from Tropical Storm Agnes.

People in Ellicott City have lost their homes, businesses, cars b/c of flooding.

Officials assess damage along Main Street in Old Ellicott City, Maryland on Saturday night, July 30, 2016.

A flash flood warning was issued Saturday for much of the region; alerting residents of risky conditions – but what happened in the historic city wasn’t what anyone was expecting.

Kittleman said the Department of Recreation and Parks has opened the Roger Carter Community Center at 3000 Milltowne Drive for anyone who needs shelter. More than 10,000 Howard County residents were without power overnight.

Just before midnight, Kittleman declared a state of emergency for Howard County.

In Baltimore City, emergency crews rescued several people in North Baltimore. When units arrived, they found between 8-12 feet of water in the parking lot of La Cuchara with vehicles floating down stream.


One person standing on top of a flooded vehicle was rescued.

Image Officials assess damage along Main Street in Old Ellicott City