
Hillary Clinton to pitch party unity during Democratic convention speech

When he was Vice-President and she was Secretary of State, he said, “once a week, we had breakfast in my home”-he emphasized that last part, as if to make it clear that this wasn’t the sort of meeting he sighed upon seeing on his calendar”.


The vice-president also paid tribute to his late son Beau Biden, who died of cancer previous year, before declaring the 21st Century as the American century.

Clinton undoubtedly has far more appeal than Sanders among black voters, a critical voting bloc in Democratic primaries.

“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman – not me, not Bill (Clinton), nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America”, Obama thundered before a cheering crowd.

“I’ll tell you what I’d rather do, honestly, is just beat her on November 8 at the polls”.

Many of Trump’s opponents, in both parties, have wondered about how someone whose reality-show catchphrase was “You’re fired” could be running as the candidate of American renewal.

“It put into perspective what’s going in the nation, what we’ve accomplished in the nation during his tenure, but also that we need to move forward and get back to our moral values”, Player said.

“Hillary Clinton delivered an impassioned plea for party unity in a forceful address to the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night, declaring, ‘Barack Obama is my candidate and he must be our president.’ “My friends, it is time to take back the country we love”.

Another hack came to light on Thursday, when four people familiar with the matter told Reuters the FBI is investigating a cyber attack against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which raises money for Democrats running for the US House of Representatives.

“We are clear-eyed about what our country is up against”.

“It was so awesome”. That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire.

Vice President Joe Biden spent a large portion of his speech focusing on Trump and questioning the billionaire’s commitment to the middle class. “And I think that will probably make the transition a little bit easier”. “Anyone reading the news can see the threats and turbulence we face”, Clinton will say. But I was filled with faith; faith in America – the generous, big-hearted, hopeful country that made my story – that made all of our stories – possible. “That we are moving in a progressive manner”. “You guys have to note I’ve got a closet full of Hillary-themed dresses”.

Leesha Fagan of Grand Rapids said it was “beautiful” to see Sanders speak Thursday morning.

Flanagin, Jake. “One Day After Calling For Democratic Party Unity, Bernie Sanders Says He’s An Independent”. Yet in a scattershot news conference Wednesday, Trump tried to turn the table on Clinton, saying he believed it unsafe for her to receive national security briefings in light of her well-known email missteps while in office.


During Clinton’s speech there was sporadic shouting from the crowd that was quickly drowned out by chants of “Hillary”. Obama declared Clinton not only can defeat Trump’s “deeply pessimistic vision” but also realize the “promise of this great nation”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton