
Clinton bus tour looks for inroads with Republicans, disaffected Democrats

Hillary Clinton talks about her too, often telling a story about toddler Chelsea asking her to stop singing lullabies. Trump sounds like Walter Mondale and Midnight in America. Chelsea Clinton praised Ivanka Trump in a Vogue magazine story past year, saying “There’s nothing skin-deep about Ivanka”.


Clinton’s top aides see both Pennsylvania and OH as key states for Trump, where he must outperform how Mitt Romney did in 2012.

Trump said Wednesday that he has no ties to Russian Federation whatsoever, but that hasn’t stopped Democratic donors in Philadelphia from saying that in the absence of Trump’s tax returns, voters are left to wonder whether there are undisclosed financial ties between Trump and foreign entities.

The implicit theme of the convention’s final night was that Americans shouldn’t see the election as a contest between Democrats and Republicans, but between responsible citizens and Donald Trump.

“Do you really think Donald Trump has the temperament to be commander in chief?” she continued.

“Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart, bonds of trust and respect are fraying”, Clinton said.

“I am not satisfied with the status quo”.

The text tells the delegates the Clinton campaign asked her delegates on Monday to be respectful to Sanders when he spoke to the convention, so asked delegates to “extend the same respect” to Clinton.

Clinton’s national convention address follows three nights of Democratic stars, including a past and present president, asserting she is ready for the White House.

The convention was also a chance to emphasize parts of Clinton’s biography, such as her work for the Children’s Defense Fund after graduating from law school, that remain less well-known than her more controversial tenure as a politically active first lady. A CNN poll released earlier this month found that 9% of registered voters had a favorable view of Clinton.

Clinton says there’s hope. But Democrats expect to see that swing back in the coming days, after finishing a successful convention that got off to a bumpy start due to embittered supporters of Sen.

Fresh off her history-making presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton set off for a Rust Belt bus tour Friday while Donald Trump made his pitch in Colorado, a swing-state-centric kickoff to what promises to be a bruising 100-day general election fight.

And the candidate wants to push that message with the interview.

She included a lengthy tribute to Bernie Sanders, whom she praised for having “put economic and social justice issues front and center, where they belong”.

The line was not a one-off olive branch to Republicans, either.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg skillfully skewering his pale by comparison Big Apple counterpart.

“Trump says he wants to run the country like he runs his business?”

“What we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican”, Obama said, “and it sure wasn’t conservative”. One woman from South Jersey attended the rally with her two young daughters wearing homemade shirts saying “I can be president”.

ME delegates hold up signs as they show support for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

There’s some polling to give them comfort.


“In the Democrats’ fantasy world, there is no problem with Hillary Clinton maintaining an illegal, exposed server full of classified information that could have been hacked by any foreign enemy, and in which Hillary Clinton risked prison time to delete 33,000 emails that were simply about yoga and wedding planning”, he said.

Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination Thursday with'humility determination and boundless confidence in America's promise' taking her place